~Chapter 5~

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When all the kids left the classroom, Demi looked around herself and, soon, sadness was there with her. She sighed and realized she felt sad because of how the class looked. She decided she needed to talk with Balvino about that so she  collected her things and left the room.

She knocked three times on the man´s bureau door before she heard a light “Come in”

She took a deep breath before opening the door.

“Oh, hello Miss Lovato” Balvino happily greeted her. She gasped as she noticed how he was placing all of his stuff in boxes.

“Hello Mr. Valderrama…”

“What brings you here, may I ask?”

“I wanted to ask you if there was any possibility of painting the music classroom and maybe bring some music instruments.” She politely asked.

“Um… I wouldn´t have any problem with that but… Wilmer is now the boss… Today it´s his first day and I´m now just the principal´s father… Sorry but you must ask him”

Demi sighed.

“Come back in an hour or so, he´ll be here and you can ask him then” Balvino told her while taking one of the boxes in his arms. “Okay… Can I help you with the boxes?” She asked. Balvino smiled at her. “Yes, please”


She was scared, standing there in front of Wilmer´s bureau. He was such a jerk and she was a little bit scared of him yelling at her again.

“Okay, Dem, you got this” She mumbled to herself before knocking on the door.

There was no reply so she decided to knock again but the same happened so she knocked one last time.

“What the fuck?! Come in!” A voice yelled from inside, causing her to jump a little bit before carefully opening the door and sliding her body into the room.

“Sorry, Wilmer but…” He cut her off.

“You´re not allowed to call me Wilmer, is that fucking clear?”

“Okay. Mr. Valderrama, as you might know, I´m the music teacher” He nodded his head, kind of annoyed. “And as you also might know, the music classroom is a mess” He, once again, nodded his head.

“Yeah, so what?”

“I wanna know if there is any possibility of you changing that and making it look better… You know, bring some music instruments and painting the walls” She introduced her hands in the pockets of her  sweater and looked at him, praying for him to agree.

“Look, Miss Lovato…” He started and got up. She could not help but stare at his body… That grey and elegant suit made him look so, so hot and it was kind of driving her insane.

She tried to push those thoughts away. Mr. Valderrama was her boss and seemed to hate her so she better not think about that sort of stuff.

“I appreciate the fact that you care about the look of this orphanage but…” For some weird reason, he sounded nice now but she guessed he was just pretending to sound nice.

“But what?” She dared to mumble as he came closer and closer to her until they faces where just inches away from each other.

Wilmer bring his hand to her cheek and caressed it slowly before pulling his hand away and turning his body around.

“Miss Lovato” He faced her again.

“Ye-Yeah?” She stuttered.

“The music classroom is one irrelevant thing, you know? Kids should not have to know music to have success in this stupid life…”

“Excuse me? Maybe one of those kids wants to become a singer, a pianist, a drummer or something like that?”

Wilmer chuckled sarcastically.

“Go the fuck away, yeah? That shitty room won´t be decorated and I´m not wasting money in some stupid instruments, is that fucking clear?”

She nodded her head.

“Yes” Demi turned around and went to leave the room but, before doing that she looked at him one last time.

Oh, and, by the way, music makes people happy. You should try it.” She spat out before noticing it and then she left him alone and kind of shocked.

She let out a giggle while walking towards her room.

“Demi, hey!” Stephanie was in front of her. Demi gave her a smile. “Hey, Steph. Can I call you Steph?”

Stephanie laughed.

“Yeah, of course. Where are you going?”

“To my room. I want to rest a little. Your brother is exhausting.” She giggled.

“I told you” Stephanie laughed and wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “Come, let´s go for a walk, okay?”

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