2Jin | Meant To Be

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Member: Jeon Heejin × Kim Hyunjin
Genre: Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you after making eye contact are written on your wrist
Warning/s: a little mention of self doubt and low mood but nothing major

Third Person POV

Everybody has a message on thier wrist of the first thing thier soulmate says to them once they made eye contact. Most of them are unique and original, meaning they'll kind of know that they're really thier soulmate.

But that was for most people anyway, though for Hyunjin, all she felt was depression to be honest. "Hey" that's the word that was imprinted onto her skin. Just hey.

Everytime someone would say 'Hey' to her, her face would fall when the known feeling of finding her match didn't come. Becoming used to the disappointment, Hyunjin weren't surprised anymore. Just upset and annoyed.

Why would she get 'hey'? Surely it could be something more useful but no. Hyunjin were stuck with a simple greeting millions of people use when they greet one another.

For all she knew her soulmate could be in an intirely different country which makes things even worse! She had the most generic key to her true love, and she had no idea where they could be which made her even sadder!

Everytime someone would ask "Hey Hyun, can I see your wrist?" Hyunjin could see thier faces wither. They were judging her. Well that with a mixture of sympathy and 'ew, they have a strange wierdo vibes, so generic'

Yeah, Hyunjin has been called generic and basic before, bullies would tease her and call her the 'bland wierdo' because of her mark as If it was her own choice in the first place!

Still, they weren't wrong so she couldn't deny it "Hyunjin unnie!" a small squeak left Hyunjin's lips as she snapped her head to Hyeju who was peering down at her.

"Are you even listening to me idiot?" she asked, Hyunjin opened her mouth to answer, but she just bit her lip instead. Hyeju clicked her tongue and sighed, rolling her eyes.

The two were currently in a bus stop, studying whilst waiting for the bus go to work. Because she has a test in the next upcoming week, Hyeju took it upon herself as the 'smartest goddamn student' to help her, even tho she's a year younger than Hyunjin.

The two of them worked in a café, Hyunjin being the waitress or attending the counter and Hyeju being the barista. Oh the joys the two of them had when they were working side-by-side. Thier boss almost fired the two of them every time.

"I'm sorry Hyeju-yah, but I can't concentrate right now" Hyunjin sighed as she took the book from her grasp "I really appreciate the help th- oh! The bus!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

In a flash, she shoved her stuff into her bag and swung the backpack onto her shoulder as she hurried closer to the path edge. Hyeju followed her with a small curse "Did you really just get excited over a damn bus?" She said.

Clambering onto the bus Hyunjin paid for her ticket and sat down, moving to the window seat so that Hyeju could sit next to her "Uhhh no..? I was just cold and glad to see the bus arrive" Hyunjin said.

"So you did get excited over a stupid bus" she said, smirking at Hyunjin, giving her a side glance "Oh shut up will you!"

"Any luck unnie?" Hyunjin was currently at the counter with her forehead resting on her arms that lay on the surface in front of her. Five people had said 'Hey' to her, none of them being any joy.

She looked to the side seeing Gowon, Hyeju's soulmate peering at her worriedly "No Won-ah" Hyunjin sighed as she shifted her weight so that she could scan the small café "I don't know what was I even expecting to be honest" she said.

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