Choi Yerim | Enochlophobia

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Member: Choi Yerim × Shin Y/n
Genre: Angst - Fluff
Warning/s: Enochlophobia is a fear of large crowds
Requested: this was suggested by my friend so yeh a special chapter with Yerim and the reader:> I would make more of these in the future if requested oh and Y/n will be a female in this chapter sorry if there are male/non-female orbits reading this:/

And those who doesn't know:

Y/n = Your Name
Y/n/n = Your nickname

Third Person POV

Yerim and Y/n decided to head to Disneyland for some time together. They've both been so busy, taking a weekend off wasn't gonna hurt anyone... right?

Y/n knew that going to such a public place, would cause her anxiety to spike up, but she wanted to go, for her girlfriend, Yerim.

She was just gonna keep her distance and try to have a great time with Choerry "Are you ready to go Y/n/n?" Yerim asks.

She comes downstairs seeing you dressed in a oversized Mickey shirt and some black high knee boots.

[A/N: y'all could think of a different outfit if u want]

You nod and both of you drive to the location, while blasting Disney songs in the car.

As you arrive you immediately see the long line of people, and crowds in every direction. You try to ignore it and look at Yerim taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Choerry asked noticing how uneasy you looked "Yeah I'll be fine, come on let's go" you said dragging her to the entrance.

As you scanned your tickets and went in, she immediately dragged you to the ferris-wheel. You were starting to get used to everything making sure to just focus on having fun with Yerim.

You continue the day going from ride to ride occasionally stopping for a food break. So far only a couple people have asked Choerry for photos.

But it wasn't too bad you gave her some room and when she was done you both resumed your day.

"Alright let's just stop by the gift shop really quick and we can head home?" Yerim asks you, you nod as you both got inside the gift shop.

There was some sale going on inside the store so you know its packed. You start shopping for some things until some fans started noticing Yerim.

Before you knew it the both of you were getting mobbed by a crowd, being trapped in. Of course Choerry immediately made sure to give attention to her fans (Orbits😜💅)

How does she always manage to stay calm during these... You felt yourself start getting anxious, you couldn't breathe all of the sudden.

As you got pushed down onto the floor by some orbits, you started panicking as your vision is becoming blurry.

The only thing you saw was a crowd slowly fading away and Yerim quickly taking you outside sitting you on a bench.

Your chest started to feel heavy as you started to hyperventilate "Y/n!! Are you okay?!" she says concerned, checking you all over to make sure you weren't hurt.

"Yerim-ah... I-..I can't-... breathe-" Y/n cries out breathing heavily "Yes you can Y/n" she said bending down in front of you, taking your hands on hers and placing them on her chest.

"Follow my breathing okay?" She said, guiding you. You follow her breathing as you try and calm down.

"That's it Y/n, breathe in and breathe out, you can do it" she says slowly. You tried to focus on her and her breathing. A few minutes later you have calmed down.

"Are you okay now?" Yerim says, gently stroking your arm up and down "I'm sorry I ruined this day" you said, tears once again threatening to spill out your eyes.

"NoOooooOooOo Y/n don't cry" she said wiping the tears off your face. Yerim sits next to you on the bench, bringing you in a comforting hug.

"You didn't ruin anything my love, but you did scare the life out of me" she said, giggling.

"I'm sorry this happend. How about we go home and watch some movies" Choerry suggests trying to cheer you up. Your eyes light up. As you both head back to the car. Hand in hand.


Hii, I'm sorry this was kinda bad and rushed but yeah I tried, there's like a 50/50 chance I might write something like this again in the future, only if y'all requests so. Oh and did you like it? If you did let me know hehe and don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading, stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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