YeoRry | Slow Dance

433 39 1

Member: Im Yeojin × Choi Yerim
Genre: Fluff , hehe another chapter coz why not, plus this is gonna be short
Warning/s: None

Third Person POV

Yeojin sat on the porch with a blanket over her shoulders and a cup of hot chocolate on her hands.

The rain was falling slowly. Yeojin could smell it in the air as she watched it fall. It made her feel calm and she was mesmerised by it.

She heard the door open and close. Choerry went outside and sat down beside Yeojin. She gazed at Yeojin lovingly Yeojin leaned her head on Choerry's shoulder.

Choerry leaned down and stole a sweet kiss from Yeojin's lips. "What are you doing out here baby?" Yerim asked.

Yeojin nodded towards the cloudly gray skies "Watching the rain. It makes me feel good. No matter how bad things feel or seem, something about the rain just calms me and washes away all of my worries" she says

Choerry brushed her fingers through Yeojin's hair with a smile. She pulled her phone out as a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

Choerry pulled the blanket off Yeojin's shoulders and took the mug from her hand, gently placing it on the porch next to Yeojin's leg.

Yeojin was about to ask what she was doing but she heard music begin to play and when Yerim stood up and grabbed Yeojin's hand, Yeojin knew her intentions and she didn't mind them at all.

Yeojin giggled when the first few drops of rain fell onto her hair and to her sweater. Choerry wrapped her arms around Yeojin and she laid her head onto Yerim's chest.

The moment was intimate and romantic. Despite the pouring rain and Yeojin's now soaked clothes, she was happier than she has felt in a while.

"This is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me" Yeojin muttered against Yerim's chest. Yeojin lifted her head and Choerry pressed her forehead against Yeojin's.

"I know how much you love the rain. What's better than a slow dance to a beautiful song with my beautiful girlfriend in the rain?" Yerim said.

"Nothing at all" Yeojin smiled and felt Choerry's lips touch hers. "Tell me you love me" Yeojin teased Choerry but she was also serious.

Yeojin just love hearing those words fall from her girlfriend's lips. "I love you so much" Choerry said. Yeojin pecked Choerry's cheek then put Yeojin's head back to her chest. "I love you too" Yeojin said.

"Hey Yerim unnie?"


"Can we do this more often?" Yeojin asked. Choerry giggled and nodded "I'd love that"


They're gonna get sick lol jk

I hope you liked this tho

Don't forget to vote, stay safe, sorry if you don't like the short chapters, I'll try my best to make longer ones:]


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