ViSeul | Rumor

195 18 3

Member: Jo Haseul × Wong Kahei
Genre: Angst
Warning/s: Nothing major just a bit of cussing (?) this is requested by a friend, also sorry for not updating for like a week I completely forgot to update 😭

Haseul's POV

Today is Vivi and I's 'date night' as she likes to call it. And quite frankly I am very nervous. Oh a did I forget to mention that we haven't seen each other in like three months.

Well yes we're both idols and it's hard to see each other because of our schedules and promotions, we're always busy with a lot of things.

Okay, I know, I may be overreacting but I'm really nervous and scared right now. All those rumours about her cheating on me are already getting to me.

What if she's not the same? What if she's actually cheating on me with Sooyoung? What if-

My thoughts were cut off as I heard the doorbell ringing. Sh*t. Okay Seul, you can do this! I thought to myself.

I made my way to open the door and soon saw my gorgeous girlfriend waiting patiently on the other side.

I tried opening the door, but couldn't. It was as if my feet were glued to the floor. I finally decided to man up and go open the door.

I turn the door knob slowly. The door opened with a slight creak "Seul, Jagiya!" I heard Vivi squealed. Before I knew it, I was engulfed into the biggest bone crushing hug.

I soon reacted and wrapped my arms around her slim waist, sighing as I rested my head on top of hers "What's wrong?" Vivi asked, worry evident in her voice.

"It's nothing " I said as I felt tears starting to form in my eyes "Babe don't lie to me, what's wrong? Please tell me what's bothering you" Vivi replied, looking at me.

I couldn't take it anymore. All those roumors. I know they were all fake.. right? Or its just plain bullsh*t. But it still hurts.

I weakly let out a small whimper and took a small step away "Hey.. C'mon Haseul-ah you know you can tell me anything right?" she said, searching for some answers.

I sighed and prepared for the worst "Love... I saw the pictures. The live performances. The way that she was all over you" I said as I huffed, feeling slightly angered.

"What do you mean?" she asked "Goddammit Vivi. I saw the way she looks at you. The way she touched you. The way you looked at her" I said.

Vivi's POV

"What do you mean?" I asked "Goddammit Vivi. I saw the way she looks at you. The way she touched you. The way you looked at her" she  said, now fully sobbing.

"Babe.. No, you know it was staged right? Plus Sooyoung has a girlfriend and I didn't let her touch me most of the time. You know she can get really clingy and touchy. But you know I would never do that to you right?" I said.

"Yeah.. You're right.. I'm sorry for messing this night up. You just got home and I just missed you so much. I'll go start a movie and just get my mind cleared up" Haseul replied.

"Okay.. I'll meet you over there at the couch" I said walking towards the brown couch in the corner.

Haseul's POV

I just made a huge fool out of myself in front of Vivi. She's my girlfriend, and I should always trust her, she'll never do that right..?

"Babe.. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a sec okay?" Vivi said, I nodded as she kissed my cheek before leaving.

*Bzzzt bzzt*

I heard Vivi's phone go on as a notification came in. I grabbed her phone and out the pass code in.

I know I shouldn't be snooping around, but I'm her girlfriend, and I'm curious, I can do this right? Plus, I don't think it's anything bad.

*New message from Sooyoungie😘*

As soon as I saw that pop on the screen. I became more alert and scared. What if she's actually-...  No don't think that way.

I finally found the convo Vivi and Sooyoung were having.


Hey! Sorry I didn't answer, I had to take care of Haseul. She almost caught us. We'll, you know the fact that I'm with you. I can't believe that he actually thinks I still have feelings for her.

Sooyoungie 😘
Hahaha stupid assh*le. And it's okay baby. We can talk later if you want :p

Okay I'll talk to you later babe, Bye! Love you <3

Sooyoungie 😘
Talk to you later babygirl. Love you too <3

My heart broke reading that. I can't believe this. I can't believe her. How can she do this to me? I gave her all my love.

Soon, Vivi  walked out of the bathroom and walked towards me for a kiss. I turned away "Babe? Is something wrong?" she asked, obviously not seeing her phone on my hands.

I showed her the phone with her and Sana's convo on the screen. Her face went pale "How could you do this to me?! WHY?!!" I said losing control over all of my emotions and threw the phone across the room.

"I-  I didn't... I swear, I just-" she stumbled over her words "You what?! You just wanted to play with me like I'm sort of fool?! I gave you everything! My love, my time I even sacrificed my career

I received a lot of hate, and threats and I almost got kicked out of the group for fighting my love for you and you do this?!" I yelled.

"No! I just.."she trailed off, looking around thinking of an explanation. "You know what? Just get out! You can go back crying to your girlfriend. Let's see if she'll treat you like I did" I said, shutting the door in front of her face.

Vivi POV

Sh*t, I f*cked up real bad. I just lost her..... How will I get her back? I looked back  sadly letting my tears fall freely.

I know I shouldn't have cheated on her. I looked back one last time. These are the consequences of my mistake, this is the debt I must pay.

I'll get her back. I promise I will, even if it's the last thing I do.


Oof-  well that was that....part 2 or something??

Sorry but that, anyways how was it tho? Its all I could think of right now sorry. I haven't updated in like 7 days I know I'm sorry I got carried away with other things but yeah here y'all go😭

Well thanks for reading don't forget to vote, stay safe

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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