LipSoul | Regret

643 36 3

Members: Kim Jungeun × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: Angst , Soulmate AU
"When a person finds thier soulmate thier heart glows, but sometimes if they ignore it, the person so got ignored slowly dies, and thier soulmate can fell in love for someone else and have thier heart tricked till it's too late. Unrequited love is real and it hurts"
Warning/s: Mentions of someone dying

Jinsoul POV

They say.. when you find your soulmate it's the most amazing thing on the planet. But for me, however, I had bad timing.

My soulmate's girlfriend, Yves and her real soulmate Jiwoo were near each other. So they thought that they were meant to be.

What sucks even more is that your heart glows only once. And my soulmate happens to be my best friend, Kim Jungeun.

Little does she know, that she's killing me. Coz once your soulmate "rejects" you a timer will appear on your arm two weeks before your death.

Mine is almost up 07:05:15:12, seven days, five hours, fifteen minutes, and twelve seconds I scoffed at myself and rolled down the sleeves of my hoodie.

It's been a week since I started wearing long sleeves. And Lippie was getting worried, but I was ignoring her.

I just wanted the pain on my chest to stop "You have to tell her" Hyunjin said as she helped me limp to my next class.

"You know she's already happy" I said "Happy?! At what cost?! Your death?!" She said yelling at me.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards my next class. My body wasn't getting any better.

My mom, dad and everyone else wanted to tell Jungeun, but I said no "Let me die, Hyun it's better than living this nightmare!" I yelled which suddenly made me pass out.

*Time Skip: six days later*


One day left, I kept coughing out blood. While Jungeun was busy with her so called girlfriend to even care.

I then heard yelling outside. It's mom and dad again, they're arguing again. Since they want me to live.

But they both know that they can't force Lippie to love me. I felt my body getting more and more tired.

This was a losing fight and I just wanted to sleep. "Sweetie" my mom said gently but all I could do was give a hum as a response.

"We're gonna take you to the hospital" that's the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.

I woke up a few hours later just to know I was losing this battle.
00:00:10:00 ten more minutes before I leave this earth.

I told my family to leave the room. It wasn't worth it to watch me die. I was lying down on the bed and suddenly my phone rang.

"Lippie<3" Against my better judgement I answered the call from her "Hi" I answered with a voice that was basically gone.

"You weren't at school today" she said sadly and I just tried to keep a happy voice.

"I had family stuff to do today. I'm in busan with my grandparents" I lied easily off my tongue. I hated lying to Jungeun but at this point I just had to.

"So? I'll see you soon?" she asked hopefully and that's when I had to tell her the biggest lie of our friendship.

"Of course, Lippie, But I'm getting a bit sleepy. I gotta go, I love you" I said with tears threatening to come down my face.

I quickly hanged up the phone and checked the time on my arm 00:00:00:59 I have less than a minute left on this earth.

I looked at my right to see a photo of me and Lippie. It was a photo when we fist went to Disney World when we were five.

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