ChuuVes | I Still Love You

542 28 2

Members: Ha Sooyoung × Kim Jiwoo
Genre: Angst , yes another angsty chapter coz why not
Warning/s: nothing serious just low-key sad

Jiwoo's POV

Sometimes doing the best for us won't feel the best.

I stopped at the bus stop today. I saw you laughing as she had an arm wrapped around you and yours were wrapped around her waist.

I saw the way she made you smile and I couldn't help but think how you managed to move on so fast. I guess I can't say anything because love works in a mysterious way.

I just want to know if you thought about her, or saw her, behind my back when we were still together.

I couldn't deny the way my heart ached and fluttered all at the same time when you walked in the little bar behind you.

Both of your smiles, wide and full of happiness. You never did the same out in public with me... The most I could get was a small smirk.

Did I not try hard enough? Was I just not funny at all? Or did I failed to make your heart beat erratically like you did to mine?

I know I hurt you but that wasn't inevitable. You hurt me too, but that's what happens, nobody is perfect.

But I promised to water the flowers sprouting amongst the grass of your sharp edges until the soil become hard and cold, and the flowers could no longer grow.

I'll still be here, Loving you until the cold takes me too. Everyone said it would get better... But I've heard that my entire life.

Even from you. It's like nursing an old wound that just keeps festering. I know your happier. I can hear it in your voice, your steps, the way you do things.

It radiates off like you were wearing it. I sat down on the end of the table as I watched from afar as you and your girlfriend interact fluidly.

Moving together as one person instead of two, knowing the move the other was going to make before moving yourself.

I wish I could say "Your happiness makes me happy" but it doesn't. It doesn't and it will never be. All it does is hurt me but I welcomed the pain.

I enjoy feeling numb because I'd rather feel nothing than constantly weep over the hole in my heart. I'll be here when he messes up and even when he doesn't.

Because I still love you Ha Sooyoung.


Sorry for the short chapter

I'll try to make the next chapter a bit longer. But anyway tho what do you think about this chapter?

I do hope you liked it, if you do... thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote. Stay Safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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