YeoRry | First Kisses

335 22 6

Members: Im Yeojin × Choi Yerim
Genre: Fluff coz why not
Warning/s: none, aaahhhh also sorry for not updating for a few days I got lazy and everything

Yeojin's POV

I was laying in my bed staring at the TV, watching some movies, while I was munching on some good popcorn.

I suddenly heard my bedroom door open as I look towards it to see Choerry unnie, my girlfriend, smiling shyly at me making my heart melt.

"Oh? Choerry unnie?What are you doing here?" I said raising an eyebrow. She looked down at the ground, embarrassed as she kicks her foot against the door.

"Uhhhhh...well.." she started "Well what?" I said, smiling cheekily at her "I uhhh... I just wanted to see you, I missed you.." she said blushing nervously, still looking down.

I playfully rolled my eyes while I feel my heart hastened "You saw me five hours ago unnie" I said, chuckling gently.

"I know, but five hours was so long ago" she said pouting, making butterflies form in my stomach "Well come here over then" I softly smiled tapping a spot on the bed.

She walks towards me smirking a bit as she sits on the bed, leaving a huge gap between us.

I rolled my eyes, Choerry unnie was acting shy again which I loved but it frustrates me sometimes "You said you missed me, yet you sit so far away from me" I joked.

I moved closer to her as I rest my head onto her shoulder. "Can we cuddle?" she asked as I nodded, she pulled me closer to her chest as we cuddled together.

She kissed my forehead, making me smile "I love your forehead kisses" I said looking up to her, smiling.

I felt her heart rate increase "I-  oh.. -uh y-you do? I should be doing them then but I won't coz they will get annoying if I carried on doing-" she stuttered, barely making an sense.

I cut her off by pressing my finger onto her lip "No, just keep doing it" I said, looking into her eyes as she looked onto mine and smiled.

I rested my head my head back onto her chest, slowly listening to her heart beat, all of the sudden it increased very rapidly.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, not wanting to make it obvious that I can hear her heart beating so rapidly "Y-yes" she replied nervously "Why do you ask?" She asked me.

"I can feel your heart beat increasing, is there something you want to talk about" I said, smiling at her reassuringly.

"Yes, well uhhh we really haven't had our first kiss yet, not saying that we should right now but, I kind of want to kiss you but if your not ready I want wait-" I cut her blabbering off by pressing my lips against hers.

Yerim unnie's eyes widened. The kiss was soft and passionate. We both pulled away seconds later nervously smiling as we blushed.

"Sorry if I was a bad kisser" I said, playing with my fingers looking down, as Yerim unnie grabs my hands "You weren't a bad kisser, you were amazing, I-it was a good kiss" she said.

She pecked my lips again, making my heart jump a beat as we both smiled at each other.

I fell asleep as I rested my head on her chest as she whispered sweet nothings on my ear as we cuddled.


Hello! what do you think? I'm so so sorry for not updating for the past few days I just had a lot in my mind and was low-key busy but here's an update. Anyways thanks for reading, don't forget to vote, stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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