YeoRry | 2nd Lead

266 22 5

Member: Im Yeojin × Choi Yerim
Genre: I don't know if this counts as Angst 🤷🏻‍♀️ it does have a tiny bit of fluff in the middle tho ;-;
Warning/s: nothing serious 😌✨

Third Person POV

She was the main character... And Yeojin was the 2nd lead. Yeojin did everything she could just so she would notice her. Heck even a glance would make Yeojin happy, but no.

Choerry just had to focus on someone else who isn't her. Yeojin gave up, finding no reason to continue fighting her way to Choerry's heart after seeing her happy with someone else.

Choi Yerim was happy with the person she truly loves and who even is Yeojin to interfere with that? Yerim's happiness is her happiness after all.

Watching from the side was all Yeojin could do. After all that was the only thing she could do. Sighing in defeat, Yeojin stood up, ready to leave the room, when a hand caught her wrist.

"Hey! Where are you going?" By the voice, Yeojin didn't have to turn around to know who the voice and the hand belonged to.

It was Park Gowon, Yeojin's best friend. "I'm going to go out and get some fresh air, do you want to come?" Yeojin offered with a bright grin from her bestfriend.

"Do you really have to ask? Of course I would love to!" Gowon happily exclaimed "I was just making sure, unnie" Yeojin said, earning another bright cheerful smile from the girl.

"Hehe well you don't need to next time" she said, slightly pouting at the end. That adorable pout from Gowon's face seemed to make Yeojin blush from some unknown reason.

Yeojin looked away, obviously trying to hide her blush before walking out of the room, ignoring Gowon's calls. Gowon finally caught up to Yeojin and playfully glared "Yah! I told you to wait up!" Gowon said.

Yeojin ignored her on purpose "Yeah yeah, anyways... Gowon unnie..." Yeojin trailed off as Gowon looked at her, eyebrows raised and lip's slightly pouting.

"How are you and...?" Yeojin decided not to continue her statement after seeing how Gowon's face darkened. "We're fine.... we... w-we broke up" Gowon said as Yeojin's eyes widened in shock.

Gowon is actually opening up her relationship? Well... that's new. Knowing this girl ever since childhood, Yeojin know Gowon sometimes gets a bit secretive.

"For... how long..?" Yeojin trailed off, finding everything ridiculous. Gowon and Hyeju was perfect for each other! They were everyone's favourite couple!

"A month now.." Gowon muttered as she stared at the sky "A month?!" Yeojin shouted and yelped in pain when Gowon playfully smacked the back of her head. Yeojin massaged her head, trying to soothe the pain even though it didn't even hurt much, she was just overreacting.

"But yeah.. it's been a month since Hyeju and I broke up" she said. Yeojin was about to comfort her when Gowon's face suddenly brightened up and turned to face Yeojin.

"But! Let's not talk about that now. How about you? How's your relationship?" Gowon questioned and smiled brightly. Gosh Yeojin just thought how can someone be so cute.

"Still single" she replied "Or still waiting for the Choi Yerim to notice you?" Gowon added, smirking when she saw the blush that took over Yeojin's face.

"No! I've been over her for like a month already!" Yeojin said, defending herself and playfully punched the laughing Gowon in her arm with a pout.

Unknown to the two of them. There was a certain someone who's staring at the two of them, deep in thought. Choerry turned away after realising she was staring for a long time now.

"I see you moved on already..." She muttered, as she walked away..


I'm not sure if this was a YeoWon chapter or a YeoRry chapter tbh ;-;

Sorry for forgetting to update yesterday lol, anyways more chapters to come ahead, don't forget to vote, stay safe<33

Also sorry if this was a bit short

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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