HyeWon | Jealous

515 22 1

Members: Park Chaewon × Son Hyeju
Genre: Fluff......?
Warning/s: none

Gowon's POV

I was buying a drink for my girlfriend, Hyeju. Then suddenly someone stopped me.

"Hey beautiful, can I have your number?" a man around his thirties said and handed me his phone.

Urgh.. Not again. This is the seventh time this week and its only wednesday.

I then took his phone and typed in 'Don't mess with me' I then gave his phone back and walked away.

Hyeju's POV

I saw a man trying to flirt with Gowon.. I was so ready to fight him but Gowon already left him so I just shrugged it off.

I then waited for Gowon by playing with my phone. After about 10 minutes she came back with a drink in her hands "Babe, I bought you a drink" she said.

"I'm not thirsty" I replied coldly "Well I'm thirsty so I'll be taking this.. Thank-" that guy from earlier showed up at our table.

I slapped his hand stopping him from taking my drink "No one dare fight in my café" the man threatened me.

I glared at him, stood up and grabbed his collar but my assistant Yerim stopped me "Your father wouldn't like this young miss" she said as I sigh and loosen the grip on the guy's collar.

"Shut this place down and don't give permission to anybody to rent thier place to this impolite man" I said and grabbed my drink from the table.

"As your command young miss" Choerry said opening her phone to call a few people.

"What?! And how dare you shut this place down? Who the heck do you think you are?!" the impolite guy from earlier said with rage in his voice.

"Hyeju.....Son Hyeju, the heir of the Son company, the biggest company in South Korea" I said opening my sunglasses.. The man started at me in fear.

"No one dare touch my belongings and that includes my girl" I said and grabbed Gowon's hand and walked passed him.

We then went to my car and let my assistant drive it while me and Gowon sit in the back.

"Hyeju-yah..." Gowon said breaking the silence, I looked at her raising my eyebrow.

"Are you mad?" she questioned sitting closer to me "No, I know you wouldn't just give your number to a stranger without my permission, and I just don't like that man's attitude" I said caressing her cheek.

"Glad to hear that" she said and sighed relieved "Oh! I totally forgot I have something to give you!" she said reaching something from her purse.

"Tada!" she said showing a finger heart while showing  a smile. That's more than enough to melt my heart.

I smiled widely and pinched her cheeks "Stop being so cute" I said making her giggle.

"But seriously tho, why did you have to do that to him? Isn't it a bit too much? Rich people are crazy" Gowon looked at me kinda angry

"Shut up.. He deserves it" I replied with an angry tone and kissed her.


I haven't wrote anything in like 2 days and I'm very burned out rn anyways what do you think? Oh and don't forget to vote, stay safe guys💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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