ViVes | Attic

229 22 0

Members: Wong Kahei × Ha Sooyoung
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: none

Vivi's POV

I stood up from the couch and ran towards our room. I then went to the closet and opened it.

What clothes should I steal from Sooyoungie today? Okay let's see... a shirt? nah, sweatpants? of course not, OooooOo a hoodie!

I took the hoodie from the closet and eagerly put it on. I then twirl around giggling. It feels like wearing a short dress. Her hoodie is just reaching above my knees.

I went out of our shared bedroom and went to our attic to relax a bit. I really don't know why but I find comfort in the attic. It's always cool and there's windows up there.

But I usually pull the blinds down. I like it when it's dark. I then heard our front door open and then heard Yves playfully call out "Vivi unnie! I'm home~".

I giggled and shouted "WELCOME BACK!", "Where are you?" I heard her ask "ATTIC!" I answered.

The sound of footsteps echoed until finally Sooyoung appeared at the top of the stairs. She then squinted into the room trying to find me.

"Where are you?, it's so dark in here" she asked not knowing where I am "Closer than you think but farther than you'd like" I vaguely answered.

I'm really just in front of her but I wasn't gonna tell her that. Sooyoung looked uneasy and started walking further into the attic.

Aaaaaaand she walked past me. I chuckled silently, stood up and back-hugged her. Sooyoung tensed up but and relaxed the second she knew it was just me.

Sooyoung turned around facing me to properly hug me. Although she had to bend down a bit to hug me.

"Hey" I said as I looked up at her with a bright smile. "Hi" she said as she smiled back and kissed my forehead.

"You know you're quite wierd sitting in the dark like this" Sooyoung said as I chuckled "We both know that this ain't the wierdest thing I do right?" I said.

"That's definitely a fact" Sooyoung said laughing "I still can't see you tho" I giggled "If you let your eyes adjust then you should be able to see me"

I watched as Sooyoung took a moment to adjust her vision. I hummed as I kept hugging her. Her hugs are so warm and comforting.

I nuzzled myself onto her and wrapped my legs around her. Sooyoung chuckled and wrapped her arms around my back, carrying me.

"Wait. are you not wearing pants?" Sooyoung questioned. "I have shorts on but your hoodie kind of covers it" I replied softy.

"You took another one of my hoodies?" Sooyoung clocked her eyebrow at me. "Pffft... wHaT?... nOo~.... MaYbE... okay yes".

Sooyoung giggled "What's with you and my hoodies?" She asked "They're just really comfy. Plus I feel like you're here hugging me when I have them on" I revealed with a blush.

Sooyoung looked at me in adoration "Awww you're too adorable" she said as my stomach growls letting her know that I'm hungry.

Sooyoung laughed "Someones hungry~" she said teasing me, I playfully rolled my eyes as Sooyoung carries me. She held me extra tight as she walked down the stairs.

I don't know what made me do it but as she was about to make it down the final step, I leaned up and kissed her cheek.

And I guess it caught her off guard because next thing I knew, we fell down onto the floor. with Sooyoung on the bottom still holding me tightly and me on top of her.

"Are you okay?!" I quickly got off of her and checked if there are wounds. Sooyoung's face was red "I-I'm f-fine!".

"You sure?" asked as she nodded her head "what happened" I frowned as I caressed her head as she laid on the floor.

"You-- I-- Uhm-- Kiss-" she stuttered. I then chuckled and teased her "Did my kiss caught Ms. Ha Sooyoung off guard?"

Sooyoung looked away blushing "Maybe" she muttered. I cocked my eyebrow and straddled her.

"Wha--What are you doing?!" Sooyoung questioned panicking. I leaned in and kissed her cheek, and then kissed the other side. I kept kissing her cheeks multiple times.

"I'm trying to help you get used to my kisses so we won't fall down next time" I said as Sooyoung's face was beet red.

I chuckled and helped her on her feet "Now cook with me, please~" I said doing puppy eyes, Sooyoung laughed and said "oh, right, I forgot about that, let's go"



How is it? As you can see I may have mostly wrote underated loona ships so far(。ノω\。) and I may or may not continue on doing that, but I'll try and write OTPs too, thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote. Stay Safe💘

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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