ChuuVes | Hold You

411 22 2

Member: Ha Sooyoung × Kim Jiwoo
Genre: Fluff:DDD
Warning/s: None, I write so much fluff so expect an angst soon

Third Person POV

Jiwoo was beginning to feel frustrated. As time continues to tick by, she lie there awake. Jiwoo tried to make herself busy by watching Sooyoung sleep.

For a little while, the steady rise and fall of her back calmed Jiwoo down. But everytime she glanced at the clock only to find that several minutes have gone by and she still didn't feel tired, and her mind tends to wander.

Jiwoo let out a long and heavy sigh and brushed her hands over her face. When she did so, Sooyoung rolled over to face her.

Her eyes still closed, breathing still and slow and steadily, she was still sleeping. There was a tug at Jiwoo's heart, which is a sudden urge to wake her up.

That thought crossed her mind several times tonight but she tried to get rid of it from her mind. Jiwoo kept telling herself that she's worn out and tired and Yves needs her rest.

But she do too, and it seemed like the thought of Sooyoung holding her close brought Jiwoo the most comfort.

Jiwoo moved her hand to Sooyoung's arm. She let it fall gently before brushing her fingertips along Sooyoung's soft skin slowly and softly.

Yves stirred a little but didn't really wake up till Jiwoo whispered her name a couple of times.

"Jiwoo-yah?" She mumbled as Sooyoung opened her eyes, regretting it when she was met with nothing but plain old darkness.

"Yeah, uhmm...babe, I can't sleep" Jiwoo mumbled quietly enough for Sooyoung to hear "Okay, what do you need? What can I do for you my love?" She cutely asked, still half asleep.

It warmed Jiwoo's heart to know that she was so willing to help her, despite Sooyoung still being half asleep in midnight.

"I just want you to hold me please" Jiwoo said. She watched a smile tug at Sooyoung's lips and she patted the spot beside her.

There wasn't much space between them, to begin with, but Sooyoung wanted Jiwoo close to her as much as possible.

Jiwoo happily scooted closer to her. Sooyoung immediately tangled her legs with Jiwoo's and put her arm around Jiwoo's stomach to hold her securely.

Sooyoung's lips brushing Jiwoo's cheek softly, Jiwoo felt her breath hit her skin as Yves whispered in her ear "Is that better? Hmm?...darling?" She said.

"Yeah" Jiwoo said nodding "I always feel so much better when you hold me close to you" Jiwoo said as she dropped her head against Sooyoung's chest and let out a contented sigh fall from her lips.

Despite how tired Sooyoung felt, she was still staying awake until she makes sure Jiwoo falls asleep.

"Well in that case, I'll never ever let you go then" she whispered and buried her lips on Jiwoo's hair, kissing across the crown of her head lovingly.

"Sleep tight my love, always remember that I'm right here if you need anything and I love you a lot" Sooyoung said lovingly.

"I love you too baby" Jiwoo mumbled before drifting off to her dreamland.

It was a few minutes later when Sooyoung finally let her heavy eyes close once more. When she knew Jiwoo was sound asleep and would get the rest she truly deserved.


Hey It's me again lol

Anyways I hope you liked it and the other chapters I'll be posting today. Don't forget to vote stay safe guys! ♥

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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