2Jin | The Truth Untold

296 21 2

Members: Jeon Heejin × Kim Hyunjin
Genre: Angst..? I'm just tryna take a break from fluffy chapters okay, I'm sorry if you don't like the concept
Warning/s: Bullying, mentions of death, talks about suicide, blood. Please don't read this is any of the following I mentioned triggers you. Hehe happy pride month btw, sorry for not updating for so so long but I'm back and I'll be updating a lot today.

Third Person POV

"Please stop" Hyunjin begged. The group of girls didn't even hear a word come out of Hyunjin's mouth and gave her different types of strong impacts that includes kicking, slapping and even punching.

No one knows who could stop them.
Once they've had enough and grew bored of Hyunjin. They threw her off across and into one of the bathroom stalls and then left her.

Cuts and bruises could be seen everywhere on Hyunjin's body, including her face, lips, cheeks. But then again this was a very normal day for the girl.

Hyunjin sighed, and sat there for about thirty minutes straight. Not even caring about the incoming classes she had to attend. She went straight to the stairs, climbed over what seemed like hundreds of stairs before she could reach the roof top of their campus.

Hyunjin opened the door towards their roof top, and ran towards the wide open areas. The latter swung her arms wide open to hug the air blowing up against her.

Hyunjin shouted at the top of her lungs as if she was on top of a mountain, she was sure no one could hear her since it was already thier respective classes.

"Unnie! Just you wait!" She once again shouted pointing at the sky. "I'll meet you there soon.....very soon" she muttered the last part and laid down on the cold hard ground, closing her eyes shut and then soon fell asleep.

Hyunjin was rumored that she was adopted, some group of students told everyone that Hyunjin's older sister took her own life because of her being problematic and couldn't afford to take good care of Hyunjin.

But the truth is that Hyunjin's sister died because of cancer. All those what they've said was all false information and are all made up by anonymous people.

Hyunjin woke up to see nothing but darkness, she squinted her eyes and rubbed them, she could see small glimpse of light from afar, therefore Hyunjin stood up and went closer to the light.

'Oh it was the buildings light, more like a night city view' she thought. Shame on her to forgot she had slept there. As the girl's adoration grew watching and staring at the nice beautiful night city view, it took a minute for her to realise, that he was still at their school's building.

'Shoot, what time is it?' Hyunjin thought. The girl brought up her phone out of his pockets and saw the digital time on the screen screaming 8:37 pm. And with that Hyunjin ran.

Hyunjin ran and ran until she hits this familiar place, it's the albums and dvd store. Hyunjin walked over to check if there's this certain person she's been looking for.

[A/N: does stores like that still exists😅?]

A glance over the aisles, nothing. At the entrance? Nothing. At the counter? Well there she is.

A small genuine smile formed across Hyunjin's lips as soon as her gaze landed on that one certain person at the counter, taking to another customer with a big smile on her face.

"Heejin...." Hyunjin smiled as she stared at her from afar. The girl then checked if she has more pocket money left, and gladly she does.

It has been months ever since Hyunjin found this store, only because of this one particular worker who works there for over a year. Hyunjin would always come over that this dvd store after school just to meet and talk to the worker named Heejin.

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