HyunWon | Sweetener

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Members: Kim Hyunjin × Park Chaewon
Genre:  fluff maybe..? Not sure🥸
Warning/s: None..? 🤩👍

Hyunjin's POV

There's something about her that makes me crazy. Something about her just makes me want to just, do things.

"Unnie, you're staring" Yerim said, while drinking her coffee "I know" I said bitting my lip.

"Are you going to stop or...?" My friend Yerim said "No" I said continuing to look at the beautiful girl in the coffee shop.

"You're literally undressing her with your eyes" Yerim laughed "Be quiet!" I shushed her, and she playfully rolled her eyes.

I looked at Yerim, knowingly. "What's that look for?" She asked "You know" I say.

"Wha- No, Unnie you have to do this yourself" Yerim told me, stirring her coffee.

"I can't!" I  whisper-yelled. "Oh my god unnie" Yerim whined "This is your chance unnie just go" she said.

"She's a bit intimidating" I mumbled. Yerim suddenly laughed "Are you serious?" She asked.

"Yeah dude" I said blushing "She looks like a total badass or whatever. I can't just go over there and be like, all cool" I said huffing.

"How long are you gonna stress over this?" Yerim asked giggling "Forever" I said looking down, pouting.

"Unnie you need to go back in the game. Your ex just dumped you, and you need a new boo, like quick" she said.

"My life is so bitter and boring" I said hopelessly "Unnie, get over it already" Yerim said "Harsh" I giggled.

"I'm just saying" Yerim said looking over at the gorgeous girl "She doesn't look that intimidating" she said.

"You think?" I asked, curiously "Totally" she says. Out of the corner of my eye. I saw the pretty girl's friend point at me.

The pretty girl swatted her friend's hand, blushing. "See? Totally not that intimidating, and totally into you" Yerim says, giving me a knowing look.

I just sat there, looking down, blushing. "Better fix that frown fast unnie. Her friend is coming over" Yerim said excitedly.

"Uh, excuse me?" the pretty girl's friend asked "Yes?" I asked "My friend over there is too much of a coward to say this.." she said pointing at the pretty girl on the other side of the cafe drinking her coffee with her other friends.

"So I'm saying this for her, but she thinks you're like really cute" the girl says giggling a little. "What's her name?" I ask, blushing a little.

"Gowon" the girl answers. A pretty girl with a pretty name "Tell Gowon the feeling is mutual" I said softly.

I looked over at Gowon for a second who was laughing with her friends teasing her, and she was blushing a lot.

"Got it" her friend says, knocking me back to reality. When her friend returned and told Gowon what I said, She looked at me smiling and giggling softly.

"Shoot, I gotta go. I forgot to pick up Leeseo from her friend's house , Mom is gonna kill me" Yerim says, rolling her eyes.

"For real? That sucks, see you I guess" I say waving at Yerim "Tell me what happens with your new boo, Gowon okay" she says, winking as she walks out of the café.

I sat up straight and beckoned Gowon to come over to my table. "Me?" she mouths to me "Yes, you" I mouthed back motioning her over.

She carefully walks over, with her friends teasing her wbout How nervous she looks.

"Hey" I said, winking seductively at her. It definitely worked, as she was already giggling and blushing.

"Hi" she says in a sweet tone "Gowon, right?" I asked "Yeah, you?" she answered and asked for my name.

"Hyunjin" I told her "And I thought you couldn't get any cuter. That's one of the cutest name I ever heard, a cute name, for someone with a cute face" she said.

Gowon grabbed my hand and intertwined her hand with mine. Her hands is so soft. She once again blushed and looked away a bit.

"Hey cutie look at me" I said gaining my confidence back "Y-yeah?" she said "Yeah" I replied leaning a bit closer to her.

"You're really pretty" I told her "You're cute" Gowon said smiling "And I don't know if this is wierd, but I feel like I've known you forever" I said smiling.

"Soulmates" she declared, giggling. "I'm fine with that" I say leaning even closer to her, I swear I think I felt her breathing stop for a bit.

I looked at her, and put her hand on my cheek "Don't be nervous" I smirked at her "I can't" she confessed quietly.

"Try" I said. Me and Gowon talked about our lives and learned that she likes to sing and write songs. She even sang a bit for me. It was the best thing I ever listened to. It just made me fall for her more.

"I have to go" She said, as she explained that her mom needs her to go home "I wanna do this again, let me get your number cutie" I said looking at her.

"Alright" she said as she typed her number onto my phone. "Oh before I go" she said "I just have one last thing to do".

I turned around, about to ask her what it was about, when my thoughts were suddenly cut off my a kiss. A soft kiss that I kissed back to.

I could hear her friends whistling and cheering "Get it gurl!" is what her friends were saying.

She rolled her eyes playfully as she looked at them "Wow Won-ah, you're so sweet, even your lips tastes like sweetener" I said being all cheesy.

"Shut up" she whined playfully. She kisses me once again. Making me blush so hard, and runs of to her friends, blowing me a kiss.

I waved at her as the sun was getting behind her. I texted her as she turned around

-I can still taste the sweetener on my lips Won-ah 🙈💕


What the heck did I just wrote? 🥲

Well anyways I hope you liked it ,thanks for reading, anyways don't forget to vote, stay safe. 💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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