ChuuVes | Glimpse Of Us

302 21 4

Members: Ha Sooyoung × Kim Jiwoo
Genre: Angst - Fluff
Warning/s: possible mentions of car accidents and depressing stuff
hehe hi author-nim here, sorry for not updating I'm just in a low mood lately but here's an angst(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

Yves' POV

It's been two years...two years since that accident happened I miss you mi amor... I thought as I sighed, why am I even thinking of her? It's been a couple years.

And I have Jiwoo too, c'mon Sooyoung, I know you already moved on, just stop thinking of her, I sat there arguing with my head as Jiwoo walked in.

"Hey baby, I made you coffee" Jiwoo said, placing the cup of coffee on the table, I looked at her smiling. She takes the world off my shoulders if it was ever hard to move I thought, looking at her.

She looked at me at the eyes, concerned, "Baby? Are you alright? You seem deep in thoughts" she said, pouting a bit, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her, smiling a bit, finding her pout adorable.

"Ah yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it, thanks for the coffee" I said, she smiled and left the room, without another word.

She's so perfect..
Why then if she's so perfect, do I still wish that it was you?... Perfect don't mean that it's working, so what can I do?

I sighed and brushed it off as I drank my coffee and went back to doing my papers. Focus Yves, focus, you have Jiwoo now and it's been two years.

*time skip*

"Hey babe" I called out for her "hold on I'm almost done" she replied "alright" I said as I sat down on the bed, hugging one of the pillows.

"Okay I'm done" she said as she stood there in her pajamas, hehe cute, I thought as she sat down beside me, gosh she's so pretty.

"What are we gonna watch again?" I asked as I turned on the tv "The new minions movie!" She excitedly said, "okay okay noted" I said as I played the movie.

Thirty minutes into the movie, Jiwoo tugged on my sleeve, "You need anything babe?" I asked, looking at her "Can we cuddle? It's a bit cold" she asked with pleading eyes.

I looked at her with loving eyes but why does it remind me of her.. no Yves stop it already no..cause sometimes I look in her eyes, and that's where I fina glimpse of us.

"Ofcourse, come closer, I'll hug you tight" she did as I said as we cuddled together, watching minions. and I try to fall for her touch, but I'm thinking the way it was...

*A few days later*

"Dude? Are you okay? You look sad" Jinsoul said, patting my shoulder, "oh? ah no I'm fine don't worry" I said "Doesn't seem like it Soo, spill it" she said.

"No it's nothing I swear" I said, not really wanting to talk about it. "no tell me, I know what you look like when you're not fine, did you and Jiwoo perhaps fight?" Jinsoul curiously asked.

"No, Soul, it's not her okay" I said. "Then who...? Yah.. don't tell me.." Jinsoul trailed off, I looked at her confused " it's her again is it? "What?" I asked.

"You know? Vi-" I didn't let her finish as I cut her off "enough Soul, I said I'm fine and it's been two years I moved on already" I said, avoiding eye contact, "hmmmkay whatever you say Soo, whatever you say" Jinsoul says as she sips her cup of coffee.

Said "I'm fine" and said "I moved on"
"Hey baby wanna cuddle?" I asked Jiwoo "ofcourse c'mon" she replied as she opened her arms for me, I smiled and cuddled with her.

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