LipVes | Don't Leave Me

236 16 3

Members: Kim Jungeun × Ha Sooyoung
Genre: Fluff - Angst
Warning/s: Nothing serious, me writing letting all my bottled up emotions by writing angst (•‿•)

Sooyoung's POV

'8:35 am..' well, time to go to the café. I always leave at 8:35 am then arrive there at 8:45 am, why? Aside from the fact that they have really good brewed coffee, there's this girl that comes in here at 8:50 am.

She always order that one specific drink and go to the library part of this café, because yes this is that type of café, thus making most of the costumers, students.

I know, I'm an idol, I'm YYXY's Yves also known as Ha Sooyoung. Yes I also know that it's dangerous for me even if I'm wearing a mask, but hear me out, this is a secured place.

The guard has a huge body. One time, I went here, fangirls and fanboys were chasing me, I dashed in hoping for safety, and I got it, the guard blocked them off.

And only let in the 'decent' looking costumers, some of them were fans but the type of fan who's able to respect some idol's privacy, so yeah that's how it's been.

I go here for her and thier good coffee '8:50am' oh here she comes.

Jungeun's POV

'8:50' it's time. Oh she's here again. YYXY's Yves, she blinds me with his attractive looks and that cute first love smile of hers.

'How charming' i thought. Anyways, I walked past her, taking my time till I get to the counter. I ordered the usual, and waited for it.

After that I went to the library section to read a particular book. I looked for it while reminiscing the scent of the books... Why do I have to leave so soon.

I fell in love with this book the moment I laid my eyes on it, the same way I've been a Sooyoung stan. She captivated my heart with her natural looks and charms.

She's the moon in my night. I'm happy that she goes to the same café, I want to approach her but I have to respect her privacy... I don't want to disrespect her.

Sooyoung's POV

I watch her as she orders and grabs the same books she always reads...*insert random good book* I've read it, it's a really great book, I can see why she loves it.


The story is so complex yet only a few understands it. But it is great once you learn to understand it. Anyways, she sat down, she was about to start reading when I approached her.

"Hi, mind if I sit here?" I asked her. "Sure" she said smiling. "I'm Ha Sooyoung" I introduced myself.

"Yeah.. Who wouldn't know you?" she laughed "You're cute" I thought but she suddenly giggled "I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked.

"Yup, don't worry, you're really cute too" she said as I felt my face heat up. "R-really?" I stuttered. She laughed.

"So what brings you to talk to me?" she suddenly asked. "N-nothing, I just thought you were an interesting person".

And with that, we talked about stuff, school, work, etc. She had to go and we bit each other goodbye..

"Kim Jungeun" I'm in love with you

*Time Skip - The next day*

I came in around the usual time, I waited for her but of course, before she came in, I asked the store manager if I could buy her favorite book.

They agreed as long as I give them an autograph, pffft. Yes, yes I know. '8:50' there she is, she got her drink and before she went to the library part.

I made sure that she sees me in her spot, of course, to make sure she won't notice that the book is missing.

Jungeun's POV

I walked in, got my coffee, I was about to walk to the library when I saw Sooyoung sitting at my usual spot.

I walked towards her, happy yet a bit sad at the same time. I have to tell her... "Hi" I greeted Sooyoung "Hey, Jungeun-ah".

"L-listen I need to tell you something" I said hesitating at first. "What is it?" She asked clearly confused.

I dragged her outside. Somewhere fans won't spot her that easy "Where are we going?" Sooyoung asked, I didn't answer her.

"Jungeun? hey? Why are you so serious?" Sooyoung continued to ask as I dragged her somewhere at the park where not much people go to. I sat on the bench and so did she.

"What?" She asked "I-I like you, I'm very sorry, not as a fan but like, I like like you" I said

[A/N: going really fast I know:') well it is a oneshot anyways, it's not like I can turn this into a whole different book]

"I like- no scratch that I love you" she said. My eyes widden in shock "W-what? I- Uhh- what?" I said confused not believing if I heard it right.

"Why do you think I wait for you everyday at the café?" She said "I- uhm.. Ehhh?!"

I was so shocked that I didn't even notice that her soft lips were on top of mine, By now I'm very well aware that I, Kim Jungeun looks like a tomato.

She pulled back and I frowned "Aww, here" she said handing me the book. "What, how did you?" I ask her confused why does she have the book.

"I bought it, just for you" she said as she pecked my lips. "T-thanks"

*Another time skip to the next day*

Sooyoung's POV

I waited for her to come once again, but she didn't come, maybe she's late?
'9:00 am' she's still not here, where is she?

I called her, nothing. I texted her, still no response. I went to her house... It's empty.. Why?

Why didn't you tell me? You were leaving weren't you? That's why you confessed.. I'm right, aren't I?

Why did you have to leave?


Ayo, yeh anyways....part 2 or something? Hehe I got a lot on my mind rn so I might make a few more angsty chapters, I'll make up for it by writing angst when I'm okay

- Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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