ChuuSoul | Dependable

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Members: Jeong Jinsoul × Kim Jiwoo
Genre: Fluff...? Yeah kind of
Warning/s: Nothing serious

Third Person POV

"EEEK! SORRY!" Jinsoul turned her head around to see Jiwoo on her knees, trying to pick up the glass shards from the glass she had just dropped.

Jinsoul put her tray down on the counter and got the broom and dustpan before walking to Jiwoo helping her with the glass.

"I wouldn't do that, Woo. You might cut yourself that way" Jiwoo looked up to see Jinsoul sweeping the glass. Jiwoo admired Jinsoul. She thought she was.. perfect.

Jinsoul was kind and smart and far from clumsy. Jiwoo seemed dumb and shy, also very clumsy. She wanted to be just like Jinsoul, perfect.

"I-I'm sorry!" Jiwoo bowed at her costumer with sweat dripping down her face. Her eyes were filled with tears as she thought of how big of a klutz she was.

The costumer looked at her and sweetly smiled "Don't worry about it. If it's alright with you, I'll have a pink lemonade" Jiwoo nodded "a-and you can have it for-" before Jiwoo could finish Jinsoul cut her off.

"I know that she dropped the cup, but you will not be getting your drink for free. That will be 5 dollars extra, kind sir" Jinsoul said with a tight-lipped smile.

"O-oh... alright, Then I'll just have my lemon cake" Jinsoul nodded and gently pushed Jiwoo back to the kitchen.

"Jiwoo you can't give away things for free. We still have to make money" Jinsoul said, Jiwoo looked down ashamed. "Unnie, I-I'm sorry, I just-" Jinsoul tilted Jiwoo's head up.

Jiwoo's breath hitched and her cheeks turned red as she looked into Jinsoul's eyes. Jinsoul smiled "Don't worry about it Woo, Just remember alright?" Jiwoo nodded, still starstruck by Jinsoul's actions.

"Oh gosh, I should have ordered those cupcakes cups-" The lady's words got cut off by Jinsoul "Uh, Ms. Wong? I already did so" Jinsoul told her boss. Vivi or also known as Ms. Wong looked up and smiled at Jinsoul.

"Thank you Soulie! You're so much more dependable than Jiwoo!" Vivi said before walking away to her office. Jinsoul looked back down at the cake batter as she kept stirring it.

'Everyone thinks Jiwoo is dumb' Jinsoul thought as she looked at Jiwoo who was trying to balance two empty trays, and smiled 'but really, she's still learning... she's not completely dependable yet'.

"Jiwoo!" Jinsoul called out. Jiwoo turned her gaze to Jinsoul which made the trays fall. She frowned. Jinsoul gave her a close eyed smile, "Why don't you come and help me with this cake? It's vanilla!" Jinsoul said is her cheerful voice.

Jiwoo gulped and looked around, making sure Jinsoul wasn't talking to anybody else, "Are you talking to me?" Jinsoul nodded and waved her hand for Jiwoo to come over.

"Can you put some food coloring in it while I turn on the oven? Oh, and don't forget to stir it" Jiwoo nodded with a smile and got the food coloring out.

"What color?" Jiwoo asked as she looked at the many colors of food dye "Pink" Jinsoul said. Jiwoo got the red food coloring and squeezed the bottle and suddenly all of the food coloring came out.

Jiwoo's eyes went wide. She turned around and looked at Jinsoul to see her working on the frosting. Her back was turned on her.

'It's okay! I can fix this!' Jiwoo told herself and started to stir but there was too much food coloring. Her eyes filled with tears as she thought about Jinsoul yelling at her and telling her how much of a failure she was.

Jinsoul turned around to see Jiwoo furiously stirring the cake batter. Jinsoul smiled. She gave Jiwoo a job for a reason.

She wanted to see if Jiwoo could do a simple thing but this proved that she could not. Jinsoul was right, she wasn't completely dependable.. yet.

"Jiwoo-yah. Look at me" Jiwoo didn't dare look at Jinsoul. So scared that her eyes may be burning with rage. Jinsoul gently lifted Jiwoo's head and wiped her tears.

"Jiwoo, it's alright-" she didn't get to finish her words as Jiwoo cuts her off "I'M SUCH A FAILURE!" Jiwoo cried out and then sobbed into Jinsoul's chest.

Jinsoul held Jiwoo close and kissed her head. "Jiwoo I will not allow you to say such negative things about yourself. You're not a failure, you're far from that! The cake wasn't even for the costumer! It was for a test" Jinsoul admitted.

"A-a test?" Jiwoo looked up at Jinsoul with glossy eyes from her tears. Jinsoul nodded with a soft smile "Yes, a test to see if you needed me or not, and it turns out you do" Jinsoul chuckled.

Jiwoo pouted "That's unfair and selfish" she mumbled "But is it selfish if I'm trying to help you out?" Jiwoo hesitated before answering with a 'no'. Jinsoul smiled "That's right"

The two looked at each other in silence before Jiwoo turned away with tears in her eyes "J-Jinsoul...?" Jiwoo whispered in concern.

Jinsoul looked back at Jiwoo and kissed her, taking Jiwoo off guard. It took Jiwoo for a moment to lean into the kiss 'Jinsoul's lips are so soft...' she thought.

"Jiwoo.....will you be mine?" Jinsoul asked as they pulled away. Jiwoo quickly nodded her head.

"Goodnight Ms. Wong!" Jinsoul and Jiwoo waved at thier boss before leaving the café.

"I-I can't believe you like me, I-" Before Jiwoo could finish she tripped over her own feet "I-it's alright! I-I'm okay!" Jinsoul looked at Jiwoo and frowned.

'She tripped over nothing... she's so fragile' the girl thought, she giggled and helped Jiwoo up "You're so clumsy Jiwoo-yah! I'm going to have to carry you home if you trip every time you walk!" Jiwoo pouted.

Jinsoul giggled and picked Jiwoo up and put her on her back "Yah!" Jiwoo squealed. Jinsoul laughed and started running to Jiwoo's apartment complex.



What do u think?

Hope you liked it tho. Anyways don't forget to vote, stay safe 💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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