LipSoul | Memories

309 13 4

Members: Kim Jungeun × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: Angst..? I'm sorry it's just too hard for me to give them a happy chapter 😭
Warning/s: nothing serious..I think?
Me updating my book like I haven't forgotten about it for weeks🧍🏻oh and this is inspired by Conan Gray's song "Memories" anyways enjoy 🫶

Jinsoul's POV

I sigh as I lay in bed, feeling... relaxed? it's been a couple months I thought as I looked to the side to see all the pictures hanging on my wall.

I think that's just about enough time for me to stop crying when I look at those pictures, I thought as I felt myself smile, I haven't felt that in a while.

I stood up, looking at my desk, seeing all the paperwork I still have to finish, I look at the time to see it saying '12:30pm' it's kind of late, I thought as I walked to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

I hear the door, bell ringing and it's pouring. Gosh why does it keep raining these weeks "One second" I yelled, loud enough for the person to hear as I rush to go to the door.

I open up that door, to see your brown eyes at the entrance "J-jungeun-ah..?" I blurted out "Sol... please can we talk..?" You just wanna talk and I can't turn away a wet owl.

"Oh..okay come in then.." I say as I open up the door for her to enter "thanks..Sol" I sighed, god she's using that nickname again...

"" I coldly said, not even bothering to look at her, she looks at me with teary eyes, hair wet from the rain "S-sol..." But please don't ruin this for me, please don't make it harder than it already is...

I'm trying to get over this.."Sol..can we- can we try again?'s hard without you..I miss you so much.. please..I just can't get over you...I still love you Sol.." Jungeun said as she looked at me, tears falling down her face.

"I'm... I'm sorry Jungeun-ah but.. what's done is already done you can't change what you did...." I trailed off as she looked down, "..but" I said "but..?" she repeated, eyes full of hope.

"I wish that you would stay in my memories...but you show up to date just to ruin things" I looked at her, tears starting to form in my eyes as I remember of the things she did...I gave her everything I could but she just cheated on me...with her bestfriend.

"Sol... please you can't do this.. after all we've been through please I.. I can't lose you..I'm sorry..i-it was a mistake I swear" Jungeun said as she held my hand, begging me to take her back.

"Really?...a mistake? That's not what you said when I caught you two in our bed.." I said, looking at her in disbelief as I took my hand away from her grasp.

"Sol..." She trailed off "no.. enough Jungeun..I wanna put you in the past cause I'm traumatized but you're not letting me do that" I said. going back to the kitchen.

I figured out she's drunk too so I got her a glass of watyas I make my coffee. She followed me as she sat down on the floor, drunk in my kitchen, curled in a fetal position.

"Sol please...I miss you...I miss us, I only did it coz all you cared about is your stupid career...and Jiwoo..she was with me when I needed you the most..but it's all a mistake please...I miss you" she drunkenly said as she cried on the floor.

Too busy playing the victim to be listening to me when I say
"I wish that you would stay in my memories"
In my memories, stay in my memories.

I didn't even bother saying anything coz I know she's gonna start something again and I'm tired of it...I just wanna move on I don't want to be in another toxic relationship.

"Jungeun c'mon, you're drunk..and wet from the rain, here drink this water to help you sober up as I get you clothes, you can sleep in my room and I sleep on the couch" I said as I handed her the glass of water and made my way to my room to get clothes for her to wear.

Now I can't say goodbye if you stay here the whole night
You see, it's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning
Over and over again.

I thought as I was picking the clothes, I sighed "let's just get this over with.." I muttered and went back down to Jungeun.

"here go get changed, as I fix the couch so I can sleep" I said, handing her the clothes. She looked at the clothes then to my eyes and smiled "thanks..Sol" and then went to the bathroom to go change.

I stood there in the kitchen, waiting for her to finish as I drank my coffee. I promise that the ending always stays the same. So there's no good reason in make believing that we could ever exist again.

"I'm done" Jungeun said as I shook off my thoughts "alright give me your clothes, I'll go wash it, you can go sleep in my room now, it's late, you're drunk and I can't let you go out again like that". I said as I took the wet clothes, not bothering to look at her.

She happily went to my room and I went to go do the laundry. After a few minutes, I finished and went to my room just to check up on her before I go sleep. I walked there to see her peacefully sleeping on my bed, hugging the moomin plushie I got her for our first date...oh the memories...

Jinsoul stop it, you're at it again gosh. I thought as I shook the thoughts away and headed to the living room to sleep.

I can't be her friend, can't be her lover
Can't be the reason we hold back each other from falling in love
With somebody other than me..

Gosh, Sol..just stop it you've moved on already okay let's not bring this up and just go sleep...whya re you making this so hard for me Jungeun-ah...

I just shook my thoughts off as I went off and drifted to sleep on the couch...


So...what do you think?😏💅 Part two?🫣 anyways yeah sorry for not updating and  I'm really really thankful for everyone who reads this book, and who would've thought your author-nim is aro-ace and writes stuff like this🧍🏻

anyways thanks for reading whatever that was... don't forget to vote:3

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤️

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