LipSoul | Children

470 23 2

Members: Kim Jungeun × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: Fluff..?
Warning/s: Not that I know of...? Hehe just enjoy or whatever

Jinsoul's POV

"Come on baby, you can do it!" I shouted as I watched my wife scream in pain whilst pushing as hard as she could. We're already been married for two years and we mutually decided we wanted to have children.

And now I'm in this situation, supporting my wife as she gave birth to our twin babies, 2 cute little girls. "C'mon Eun, push as hard as you can. Only a few more pushes baby" I shouted as Jungeun started crying.

"I can't, I can't do it" Jungeun sobbed "Yes you can, do it for me and the baby come on love" I wishpered in her ear and kissed her temple. She nodded and pushed as hard as she could, after a few minutes I heard a loud cry.

The doctor gave our baby to the nurse before I got a proper look at them. I turned back to my wife and gave her a loving smile while wiping the beads of sweat that formed in her forehead.

After a few minutes. Jungeun is going to get contractions again and ready to give birth to our next baby. She screamed at the top of her lungs as I held her hand. A few minutes passed and Jungeun almost finnished giving birth.

At this moment, I was holding back my own screams of pain since I was pretty sure Jungeun broke my hand from squeezing too tight.

After Jungeun gave birth to our twins they placed her on a room and after a few minutes the nurse guided me to her room. I saw her peacefully sleeping, I kissed her forehead and sat on a chair.

After about what I think is I fifteen minutes, the doctor came to our room with two babies, one wrapped in a violet blanket and one wrapped with a purple blanket.

I lightly shook Jungeun and whispered to her ear "Love, our babies are here do you want to see them?" I asked, I saw her nod her nod slightly so the doctor came over with our babies and I held our daughter as Jungeun held the other.

The doctor then excused themself. I had forgotten about my broken hand until the little bundle of joy in my arms started wiggling around and hit my arm "F*ck" I cursed and Jungeun glared at me.

"Not around the kids please" she said, I nodded but proceed to say, "I think you broke my hand when you were squeezing it" Jungeun's eyes widdend and she quickly said "Oh my god! Soul-ah I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

I laughed and replied "I'm okay baby girl stop freaking out and yes it does hurt a bit but I know you didn't mean it from the pain you were experiencing earlier" I smiled at her and pecked her lips.

"But you should let the doctor check your hands baby" she said, guilt still visible in her face "of course babe" I said to her smiling brightly. I looked at our baby girl in my arms and said "Our baby girl has your brown eyes" i said admiring our daughter.

"Yes but our other baby girl has your eyes and nose" I looked up and started to tear up at the sight of our family. "Baby we have to name them" Jungeun looked at me and smiled.

"I already have one for this little bundle of joy, it's Yerim" she said while looking at our daughter "Awee Yerimie, what a beautiful name" I said while also looking at our sleeping daughter.

"How bout you love, what do you think for our other baby girl?" she asked me, "Hmm how about Giselle?, yeah Giselle I like that, it fits her" I asked her while gazing lovingly at our other daughter "Well then Giselle it is" she said and pecked her forehead.

I grinned widely and suddenly the door opened and came both our families and the rest of our friends.

I gave Yerim to my friend Haseul and excused myself them and said I will find the doctor so I could fill in the documents and officially name our babies.

After I filled in the documents I also checked my hands to the doctor and they just wrapped it in a bandage. After that I went back inside the room and saw them chatting quietly.

I went beside Jungeun and kissed her cheek "Thank you for giving birth to my babies, our babies, I love you" I said and kissed her temple.

Finally my life is complete.



Another chapter finished hehehhehe don't worry I'll write more:DD enjoy everyone don't forget to vote stay safe:3

- Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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