HyeRim | You Belong To Me

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Member: Choi Yerim × Son Hyeju
Genre: Yandere Hyeju Vampire AU
Warning/s: I think y'all would know by now since it is a Yandere chapter...

Third Person POV

Hyeju watched from afar as Yerim and her girlfriend cuddled on her couch. If you're wondering... Hyeju climbed up a tree and was staring at Yerim from thier window.

The truth is Hyeju had her eyes on Yerim for quite a while now, she wanted Choerry for herself. She was perfect for her.

Hyeju has a plan and tonight was the night she would finally get her hands on Yerim.

Hyeju went down the tree and went to her car. She grabbed the box of pizza and a huge bottle of sprite.

She went up the door and rang the door bell. Yerim's girlfriend opened the door confused.

"Uhm.. sorry we didn't order pizza" Yerim's girlfriend, Hyunjin starts but Hyeju immediately started compelling her.

"You ordered pizza for Yerim to surprise her, and you're gonna give her this drink and as soon as she passes out so will you. Now go" Hyeju states sternly waiting for the scene to unfold.

Hyeju watched Yerim's face lit up happily taking a sip of the drink, a few minutes later she finally passed out and so did her girlfriend just as planned.

Hyeju quickly made her way inside the house, walking over to what was soon gonna be hers.

"Hey babydoll, you don't know how long I've waited to have you" Hyeju says running her fingers over Yerim's cheek.

With one swift motion Hyeju picked her up and took her back to her house. Hyeju laid Yerim down on the bed tying her wrists on the bedposts so she wouldn't escape her.

"Goodnight my love" Hyeju kisses her forehead and walks out of the room locking every window and door in sight.

*Time Skip to the next day*

Yerim woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. She looked around confused.

Her arms were sore from being held up behind her for so long. She then panicked trying to them free but it only made things worse.

"HELP!" she yelled. A few seconds later the door opened quickly and a woman she has never seen walked in.

"Now now now. Why are you yelling in my house huh?" Hyeju asks "Who the heck are you" Choerry replied, visibly panicked.

"Your worst nightmare if you keep using that tone at me" Hyeju sternly says with dark eyes.

"W-where's Hyunjin?" Choerry asked worried where her girlfriend might be. "Oh her? You won't be needing her anymore" Hyeju smirks.

"WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Choerry yells. "You better bring it down a notch" Hyeju says as she walks to Yerim grabbing her neck harshly.

"You're not gonna talk until I'm done understand?" Hyeju says sternly tightening her grip on Yerim's neck making Yerim nod quickly.

"Good" Hyeju smiles letting go ,making Yerim gasp for air. "I have rules for you and if you break it I'm going to kill everyone you ever care about, you got it?

First, you can't leave this house. Second, you can't see your pathetic girlfriend Hyunjin or anyone for that matter.
Third, you do what I say with no questions. Fourth, you have to fill my needs. I choose you because you're special. And I'm a vampire who needs blood. And lastly, I'll treat you well and with respect if you treat me the same.
Got it? " Hyeju says.

"I-i got it" Yerim said quietly as tears streamed down her face with every rule that was spoken.

"Oh don't cry princess, you and me are gonna have a blast" Hyeju says embracing the girl in a hug.

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