HyunRry | Photographer

312 18 1

Member: Kim Hyunjin × Choi Yerim
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: hehe none:3
Sorry I forgot to update yesterday 😔🤌

Third Person POV

Yerim was at a little coffee shop around the corner of thier neighbourhood. She always went there everytime she was stressed or needed time to think.

But this time she didn't really know why she was going there. Choerry weren't stressed nor she needed time to think but her heart just told her to go there.

It was a very beautiful and sunny day so she went there. Yerim put on a cute off-the-shoulder top and a pair of shorts. She slipped your white vans on and grabbed her phone and made her way outside.

Yerim got there quite quickly and went to the counter to make her order. It was a hot day and she weren't feeling like drinking hot coffee, so she ordered cookies and a iced americano.

Yerim got her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through instagram. That's when Hyunjin walked into the café. Yerim noticed her presence and her heart started to pound like crazy.

Yerim could almost feel her heart beat in her throat. Her feelings for Hyunjin started to grow last year when she was the photographer for the annual school talent show and complimented Yerim's singing.

Yerim and Hyunjin both talked here and there but it was mostly just about small stuffs, like asking if she could help her with a biology question since Hyunjin was in the same biology class Yerim was in.

Hyunjin was wearing a grey hoodie, and regardless of what she wore or did, Yerim always swooned over her. No one really knew her feelings towards Hyunjin except her bestfriend, Yeojin.

When Hyunjin placed her order, she suddenly noticed Yerim and smiled. Yerim started panicking but she just smiled and waved back.

Then Hyunjin started walking towards Choerry "Hey Yerim-ah! Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked "Y-yeah sure" Yerim stuttered as she replied nervously.

"I know we don't really talk much but do you mind if I take photos of you for some of my shots? I made an Instagram account for some of my work and I want to take some photos

And hoping you would be in some of them, because you are absolutely beautiful" Hyunjin said, Yerim couldn't believe it.

Yerim pinched herself, thinking she was in a dream. Yerim stared at her in utter shock "I'm sorry, I blurted that out, but is that a yes or?" She asked.

"YES!" Yerim practically yelled. Hyunjin smiled at her making Yerim fell for her even more "Great" she said with a smile and took a sip of her coffee.

"Mind if I get your number?" Hyunjin asked, Yerim took out a sticky note and a pen from her small backpack and wrote it down, she gave it to Hyunjin and got up.

"I'll text you the time and the address" Hyunjin said "Great! See you then" Yerim said with a cheeky smile. Hyunjin's eyes followed Yerim as she walked through the door.Choerry couldn't believe what just happened.

It was the day of the photoshoot, Yerim put on a cute white skirt with a light blue tube top and a pair of white doc martens.

Yerim lightly accentuated her outfit with some light make up. Yerim asked her brother, Beomgyu for a ride to Hyunjin's house, and her whole body was buzzing with excitement the whole time.

"So Yerim-ah, who's the girl?" Yerim's brother, Beomgyu asked with a smirk on his face "Shut up oppa, she's just a friend" Yerim said, playfully slapping Gyu's arm.

"I was joking about the girl part, but it turned out true anyways so you just exposed yourselffffff~" Beomgyu sang in a sing-song voice.

"I hate you oppa, just keep driving or I'll tell Taehyun that you like him" Yerim said, making Beomgyu shut up almost immediately, as she chuckled seeing how whipped her brother is for Taehyun.

When Yerim's brother dropped her off, she couldn't believe it. She was going to be with Hyunjin the whole day! Sure it was no date or anything, but she still get to hang out with her.

"Woohhoo! Go get that Yerim!" Beomgyu yelled as he dropped her off "Shut upppp!" Yerim said turning around frustratedly. Yerim then texted Hyunjin that she was already outside.

Around two minutes later, Hyunjin's mom opened the door. She had short black silky hair and was wearing a light pink cardigan over a white shirt and jeans, and her skin was clear as day.

Now Yerim knew where Hyunjin got her soft complexion, she thought to herself. "You must be Yerim! Hyunjin talks about you a lot- Nice to meet you, I'm her mom" she said with a smile.

"You look so stunning dear! Come in, come in, I can't wait to see the photos later, Hyunjin is quite a talented one, on taking photos" Mrs. Kim said.

"Yeah, she's smart too" Yerim said with a giggle. "Oh? Yerim-ah! I'm sorry for coming down late, I just had to grab some props, let's go" Yerim heard Hyunjin said smiling, as she came down the stairs.

Her smile warmed Yerim's heart. Choerry pinched herself to make sure that she weren't dreaming and sure enough, she wasn't.

Yerim walked to Hyunjin's car, and like the gentlewoman she is, she opened the door for Yerim "Thank you so much, but you didn't have to do that" Choerry said "Nah don't worry about it" Hyunjin said.

It was a long 30 minute drive but to Yerim it felt like 10 minutes, because Hyunjin put on some of Yerim's favourite songs that the two of them danced to together.

The two arrived at a beautiful sunflower field and Yerim definitely thought she was dreaming "This place is really beautiful Hyunjin-ah! Where'd you find it?" Yerim asked her.

"Some of my friends and I were going on a road trip and we drove past it, and I knew that I had to do one of my shoots here" Hyunjin said. The two got out of the car as Yerim helped Hyun with some of the materials.

Yerim hadn't modelled before or done anything like that so she stuck with simple poses so she wouldn't embarrass herself but later she got the hang of it when Hyunjin told her some of the poses she had seen other girls do.

"Do you normally ask people to be your model?" Yerim questioned her "No, not really, people just see my work and ask me" Hyunjin replies as the two them walk into the rows of the sunflowers.

"So let's do one where you're smiling and looking that way" she said, pointing to the sun. "Oh okay, I'll try not to be awkward while doing it" Yerim joked. Hyunjin laughed slightly.

And gosh does that laugh was one of the main things that kept Yerim's heart beating "Alright, just keep looking that way" she says as Hyunjin fixed her camera.

Hyunjin looks away from the camera and straight at Yerim in a soft and innocent way "What? Hyunjin-ah, is there something on my face?" Yerim asked anxiously while swatting her face.

"No, no. But uhm would you consider this as a date?" She asked. Was it possible that Hyunjin had feelings for her too? "I don't, Hyunjin, you were the one that asked me. Would you?" Yerim said.

"What would you say if I did?" Hyunjin said, Yerim's heart was beaming. The sun almost made her eyes sparkle like a thousand stars at night. Yerim stepped closer and closer to her.

Yerim didn't know what overcome her. She liked Hyunjin so much, that everytime she look at her, she falls for her over and over again.

"I wouldn't mind it being a date" Yerim said while smirking. Hyunjin lips crash into hers. A feeling Yerim had been longing for as long as she can remember.

Yerim kissed her back, it felt calm and right. And just for a moment, everything in the world as quiet and alright.


Heyyy thank you so so much if you're reading this, like I know I forgot to update yesterday 😔 so yeah I hoped you enjoyed this chapter

Oh and don't forget to vote and stay safe guys. See you on the next chapter

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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