ViSeul | Late Night Vibes

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Members: Jo Haseul × Wong Kahei
Genre: Fluff coz I make too much angsts y'all better enjoy this coz I may not write one again 🤭 jk just enjoy it lol
Warning/s: none hehe:3

Vivi's POV

I smile as I continued watching the movie displayed on the tv screen as I lay down on my wife's chest. Oh how I love the nights when we just chill and watch movies, just the two of us.

I yawned, feeling a bit sleepy, Haseul look at me, smiling "aww my baby is sleepy?" She asked "no I'm fine just a bit tired let's continue the movie" I responded.

"Are you sure? We can go sleep now and just continue this tomorrow you know, and besides I'm quite sleepy myself too" she said and kissed my forehead.

God I love her so much "Alrighty then, let's head to bed, it's quite late too" I said and held her hand as we went to the bedroom.

I sat on the bed as Haseul turned of the tv, she went to me and layed me down on bed, kissing my forehead, "go to sleep my love" she said, warmly smiling at me. "Can we cuddle?" I asked.

"Everything for you honey" she said "come close and lay your head on my chest, I'll hug you" she said opening her arms for me.

I did as what she told me and got comfy, she makes me feel so safe, I'm so thankful for her existence, I know I may sound cringy but me and her have been married for four years yet she still never fails to give me butterflies.

She hums a familiar song as she plays with my hair and kisses my forehead, helping me go to sleep quicker, "Seul?" I called out "yes my love?" She answered.

"Can you...can you sing me a song?" I asked "ofcourse my love, just relax and try to fall asleep, I'll be here by your side hugging you" she said.

I got comfy and closed my eyes, hearing her heartbeat as I lay on her chest, this is so comforting..

Haseul's POV

Gosh she's so cute, I know I say this often but I can't help it. She really is, I smiled as I started singing.

"Track suits and red wine
Movies for two
We'll take off our phones
And we'll turn off our shoes
We'll play Nintendo
Though I always lose
'Cause you'll watch the TV
While I'm watching you

There's not many people
I'd honestly say
I don't mind losing to
But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you

Dumb conversations
We lose track of time
Have I told you lately
I'm grateful you're mine
We'll watch The Notebook
For the 17th time
I'll say "It's stupid"
Then you'll catch me crying

We're not making out
On a boat in the rain
Or in a house I've painted blue
But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you

So shut all the windows
And lock all the doors
We're not looking for no one
Don't need nothing more
You'll bite my lip and
I'll want you more
Until we end up in a heap on the floor

You could be dancing on tabletops
Wearing high-heels
Drinking until the world
Spins like a wheel
But tonight your apartment
Had so much appeal
Who needs stars?
We've got a roof

But there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you
No, there's nothing
Like doing nothing
With you"

I finished singing and I didn't even realize it, she's already asleep, cute, she looks so happy and peaceful, I just wanna protect her from everything.

And as her wife I'll do exactly that, god this girl can do the bare minimum and I go all out on being whipped, I just can't believe she's mine, and I'm hers.

I love you Wong Kahei, always and forever<3

Yeah anyways that's that.... relationships👍 i don't know what to feel about what I just wrote maybe it's cringy😭 hope you liked that I guess bye bye

Don't forget to vote:3

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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