HyeRim | Lost Puppy

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Members: Choi Yerim × Son Hyeju
Genre: Fluff, coz I made too much angst
Warning/s: None, I think it's cute hehe

Third Person POV

'Dang it where is he?' Yerim thought as she kept searching around her  surroundings. "Lucky? Lucky?!" Yerim continuesly shouted in the middle of the park, looking for her lost dog.

Apparently, her dog was a very introverted and not that much of an open dog that loves to go outside.

"Where are you?" she muttered, huffing and panting as she jogs around in a very open  area with a freezing cold temperature.

"Excuse me?" Yerim felt a light tap on her shoulder. "You seemed like you needed some help, mind if I also help you?" a slightly taller girl kindly approached and smiled genuinely.

"Oh god, yes please" Yerim would thank the gods above for another angel to come and help her up.

"What seemed to be the problem here" the girl asked, not fully connected to the topic but in Yerim's perspective, this girl has a great fashion style.

"I lost my dog when we first came here, I think his leash broke and fell off him" Yerim explained.

"He's a black german spitz, triangular ears, and quite furry" she added.

"Where did he ran to?" The girl asked, Yerim wasn't fully sure with her answer and simply told her that she don't know and shrugged.

"Okay I'll go east, and you go west" the girl pointed. 20 minutes had passed Yerim was still jogging and running around each and every part of the park.

She suddenly met the girl again. But only this time she was already carrying her dog. The girl waved her hand up and showed Yerim that she already had Lucky.

"Lucky!" Yerim shouted and ran towards her dog, the girl passed the cute dog to Yerim, as Lucky continously wagged his tail all over the place.

"Where have you seen him?" she asked. "I saw him under a bench, he looked scared and he was shaking" the girl said and pointed out at the bench from afar.

"Thank you so much" Yerim thanked her as she hugged Lucky. If Yerim could only kneel and cry for how much grateful she is towards the girl.

She would do it but it might embarrass her out. As the girl was about to bow down and leave, Yerim stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Wait" Yerim said as she stopped the girl. She slowly turns around, meeting Yerim's eyes. Oh those deep mysterious eyes.

"Yes?" She asked "C-can I have your number? I really want to show you how grateful I am, I really am and I want to get you something in return" she says showing her phone.

The girl could only let out a small smile before she took Yerim's phone. "You know, I don't usually give people my number when they ask, but I'll give it to you since you're cute" the girl flirts as she types in her number.

Yerim swore this tall handsome girl would've made her head explode because of how much heat there was on Yerim's cheeks, making her look like a tomato.

"Oh, you're all red!" the girl exclaimed laughing. Yerim embarrassingly hid her face with her palms while she endured all the feelings she has.

"I didn't know that would work" the girl chuckled "anyway here" she hands Yerim her phone back.  "Your name?" the  girl asked.

"Oh I'm Y-yerim" she says still felling embarrassed. But she saw the girl slowly approaching her. Much closer.

Yerim flinched when she got really close, she closed her eyes shut and waited for something to happen.

"Hey, why do you looked scared?" the girl asked "I only took the dead leaf on your hair she laughed as Yerim continued feeling embarrassed

"Anyways, I'm Hyeju, nice to meet you"


So yeah that was that, I have somewhere to go today, I'll update again when I go home, thanks for reading, don't forget to vote, stay safe

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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