LipSoul | Soup

593 32 2

Members: Kim Jungeun × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: nothing serious to warn ya'll about

Third Person POV

No one likes being sick. Jinsoul were no exception to the fact. Being sick made her feel weak and crappy.

So imagine her disappointment when a bad bowl of soup from a local restaurant causes her to spend most of her night in their bathroom.

The long night passed and much to Jinsoul's torture her stomach was still a little mixed up.

Knowing that saturday was always a movie date with Lippie, so Jinsoul called her as soon as she woke up telling Jungeun to postpone the day because of Jinsoul's case of the sniffles.

After forcing herself out of bed Jinsoul tied her hair up into a ponytail and changed into a new pair of pajamas. She brushed her teeth once again and tried to drink some water.

Along with the permanent urge to throw up, her body was aching from the stomach bug, a very awful fever followed.

Of course she had some medicine at hand and it was about to start working after a few hours. An unproductive day ahead.

Jinsoul settled underneath the blankets on her now quite lonely bed. Jungeun sent her a few texts, telling Jinsoul to call her if she needs anything and Jungeun wishing her luck and hope Jinsoul gets better soon.

With Soulie's luck she was the only one to get sick from the food. Her parents and siblings are perfectly fine and was going about thier day leaving her at home. How very considerate of them.

Jinsoul's stomach rumbles as an awful taste build up in her throat, Jinsoul jumps up out of bed and storm into the bathroom.

This part makes her sort of happy no one is here to hear her. Jinsoul washed her mouth, almost swallowing the mouth wash.

Truly hoping this is her last visit to these four walls. Exiting the bathroom, Jinsoul made her way over to the front door where the bell just rang.

She pulls her shirt straight and push the fuzzy baby hair behind her ears before opening the door. Jungeun.

Her face is hidden behind the two large bags. The sight of her girlfriend both excites and scares Jinsoul.

Spending this awful day with her would be the best kind of medicine but having Jungeun see Jinsoul like this is not nice.

"Hey baby" she greets Jinsoul using the nickname she has given her since the two started dating. Jinsoul attempted a smile and Lippie steps into the house.

The taste, that awfully unpleasant taste again. Covering her mouth with her hand, Jinsoul turns around and ran towards the bathroom once again.

Probably leaving behind a confused Jungeun. Managing to lock the door on her way, Jinsoul bend over the toilet.

Jinsoul repeats the process of washing her mouth and fixing her clothes. Although this time she really didn't want to walk out of that door.

Jungeun slightly knocks on the wooden door "Baby?" She asked softly. Jinsoul shifts on the counter where she has made herself comfortable.

"Come on Soulie, open up so I can know you're okay" Jinsoul folds her legs in front of her "I'm okay" Jinsoul whispers, knowing if she spoke normally Jungeun would know she's lying.

"Okay then, come out" Jungeun shakes her head but then realise she can't see Jinsoul. "No" Jinsoul replies as she hears Jungeun sighing loudly.

"Why not Soul?" her voice is so sweet and caring not frustrated like Jinsoul expected.

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