WonRry | Cupcakes

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Members: Choi Yerim × Park Chaewon
Genre: Fluff, a little something to make up for the previous chapter hehe
Warning/s: None

Chaewon's POV

Me and Yerim were chilling on the couch in the living room of our dorm. We had a day off today and the other members were just sleeping or either chilling inside thier rooms.

I got bored and looked at my side where Choerry was really into the show playing at the TV. I tried to call her but she was too focused in the show and I had to call her name a few times to finally get her attention.

"Yerim-ahhh~" I whined "Yes unnie?" She asked still not looking away from the screen. "I'm bored can we do something else?" I said while pouting.

"But the show was just getting good. We can do whatever you want to do after I finished, okay love?" She said turning over to me and peck my forehead.

"Hmmmp fine" I grumbled and crossed my arms slouching back at the couch while Yerim paid no attention to me.

While Choerry was watching the show I began to think about how happy I am with her and how grateful I am that I met her.

We met at the company, she was one of the best trainees there and I always noticed her looking at my direction, always starting a conversation with me whenever she had a chance and flirting with me.

After like a few months I started gaining feelings yet I set that aside, in fear of rejection and that I might ruin my connection with her, well I must admit she was one of the few friends I had as a trainee, since I wasn't really good at approaching people .

But to my shock, one day at practice she decided to confess to me and I was the happiest person ever, who knew someone like her would love someone like me back.

But yeah knowing myself kind of scared to get hurt, I asked her if she could court me first just to check if she was serious. And Choerry happily did so, she also introduced me to her friend group which was nice since it made me less lonely as a trainee.

And then a few months of Yerim courting me, I stopped playing hard to get and accepted her request to be her girlfriend and I was more than happy when we started dating.

I must say, Yerim is a really good partner, she's really nice to be around with and I love her a lot and now we've been together for 3 years. Soon enough the show Choerry was watching ended and she shifted her attention to me.

"So what do you have in my mind that you wanted to do, baby?" She asked getting up from the couch. I followed her action and suggested to make some cupcakes and we made our way to the kitchen.

"What flavor do you want babe?", She asked me while arranging the ingredients needed.

Gowon: Uh chocolate?
Yerim: Okay then we'll make-
Gowon: Wait no I want vanilla
Yerim: Vanilla it is-
Gowon: wait I want red velvet!
Yerim: Okay are you really sure about that unnie?

I nodded sure that I wanted red velvet. After we set everything out Yerim told me to crack some eggs and mix it with the flour and milk.

[A/N: no way I'd trust these two in the kitchen 🖐️💀]

But instead of mixing it I decided to throw an egg at her while her back was turned away at me. Yerim turned around with a glare and approached me slowly.

Gowon: oops my hands slipped

"Oh it's on..." Yerim said, smirking at me and with that I ran full force out the kitchen and into the living room with Choerry hot on trail. Somehow I ended right back in the kitchen trapped in the corner.

"Babe I'm so sorry" I said while trying to give her my puppy eyes "Oh you can't do that babe, too late now babygirl" Yerim said, and cracked an egg on my head and that started the food fight, throwing eggs and flour at each other.

"Okay what the hell, what's going on here" Haseul unnie asked with the rest of the girls who were trying to hold thier laughters.

"Err we were baking" i said blushing a little from the embarrassment. "On each other?" Yves unnie asked making the others laugh.

"Well you see what happened was that we were baking until we got distracted" I say gesturing the both of us.

"Well I hope you guys are planning to clean up the mess you made" Vivi unnie said which caused Yerim to groan, as she slightly frowned "We know unnie"

"We're about to watch a movie and once you guys finnished cleaning you can join us" Lip unnie said walking out with the rest of the girls.

"I guess we should start cleaning up babe" Yerim said while I nod in agreement.

After what feels like hours of cleaning up the mess we made which was only 20 minutes actually. We both went to take a shower and soon joined the others on the couch.

Halfway through the movie I saw Choerry starting to doze off. "You sleepy babe?" I asked and he nodded in response.

"Well come, let's sleep" we got up and excused ourselves from the rest of the girls to our room and layed down on the bed and cuddled to sleep.


Any song recommendations? Random question I know but yeah, any song or genre would be nice.

Anyways don't forget to vote, stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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