YeoWon ft. HyeWon|Obsessed Ghost

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Members: Im Yeojin × Park Gowon × Son Hyeju
Genre: Ghost Hyeju, Horror, Yandere
Warning/s: Mentions of someone dying, killing someone, etc. Let's just say I warned you, and ya know how yandere's are right? Feel free to skip this chapter if you're not comfortable with that

Gowon's POV

"And... I got it set up!" Yeojin says happily and steps back from the camera. She waves at it, "do you see me?" She says robotically. I laugh at her actions.

"Yes I'm pretty sure they could see you. They're probably scared of your face" I said, she gasps and puts her hand on her chest pretending to be hurt.

"How dare you say such a thing!" I playfully rolled my eyes while crossing my arms. "Anyways~ I'm Yeojin and this is my girlfriend Gowonie, introduce yourself jagi" she said.

I waved and smiled at the camera "Oh don't get all camera shy now" she picks me up making me laugh loudly at her silliness.

"Yah! Im Yeojin! Ahh stop it!" I yell in between my laughs. After a few minutes of Yeojin tickling me. She finally puts it to a stop.

"Okay well since you don't want to introduce yourself, I'll do it for you" she says bopping my nose.

"This is Gowonie she's 21 and she's my girlfriend. I'm Yeojin and I'm 19 also her girlfriend" Yeojin smiles brightly showing her teeth "Oh my gosh, Yeojin-ah" I laugh.

"Today me and your mother-" I looked at her confused, "Mother?" I repeat "Yes, we might have children when we're older" I raise my eyebrow.

"Who said we're having kids?" I asked "I did" she said as we compete in a staring contest before Yeojin continues her 'speach'.

"Back to what I was saying... we are recording our experience in our new house that we bought a month ago" Yeojin starts.

"And we think it is haunted" I nod agreeing to what she said "Yeah the last owners of the house said that the house was haunted by a girl... " Yeojin said

"Who roamed the house wearing all black clothes, they said she has red hair .... " he continues

"They also said her name was Hyeju but..." Yeojin went to the kitchen and got something out. She came back with an Ouija board in her hands.

"We're gonna find that out tonight, right Wonnie?" I nod in agreement "Yup!". Few hours passed and we were set up in the living room.

We had candles lit around us and the Ouija board was sat in the middle of the coffee table. Yeojin was setting up the camera so that the angle was straight.

"I think it's straight, Yeojin" I say as I continued to watch Yeojin fiddle with the camera, the tip of her tongue sticking out at the concentration.

"One...second..." She said letting the 'second' linger. After a minute or so, she finally let go of the camera and sat down across from me.

"Alright, you ready?" She asks as I nod "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nod again "Alrighty then... Let's get it"

We set our hands on the Ouija board and took a deep breath before Yeojin asked the first question "how was your day?" She asked, I stifled a laugh.

"What?" Yeojin asked trying to cover her own laugh, "Nothing, that's just a really dumb question to ask-" before I could finnish the Ouija started moving.


"Yeojin, this isn't funny" I said in a serious tone "I didn't do anything!" Yeojin raised her voice. I roll my eyes "I know you like doing pranks, and that wasn't funny!"

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