LipSoul | Help

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Members: Kim Jungeun × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: Angst
Warning/s: Huge ass trigger warning. Contains concepts such as suicide and a bunch of other things. Read at your own risk.

Third Person POV

Elegant, gentle and polite. Not to mention her looks was mesmerising. She was also very intelligent.. Everyone noticed that by her actions and choice of words.

Everything about her would seem perfect but everything collapses when she shows Jungeun her true side. But no one even gets the opportunity to talk a single word about her true side as they are killed before they even can.

Jungeun's body wouldn't stop shaking as she was on the roof of a ridiculously huge mansion that was built by the ocean which was the main reason she felt so cold.

"Oh c'mon Lip its just a little joke" the woman giggles psychotically and takes a seat in front of Jungeun "Joke? You think kidnapping me on a roof is a joke? Sol, where are we? Why are you doing this?" Jungeun was basically shouting at her.

Lippie didn't like the situation Jinsoul was in at all. She had to get out of this. But how? Jumping off the roof would kill her in a second. Or maybe dying was a better option. Maybe it was destiny.

[A/N: it's never an option]

It was true that Jungeun's wife, Ha Sooyoung was recently killed. Not that she liked her anyways. It was an arrange marriage. Her wife would beat Jungeun and use her as she wanted. Jungeun never liked her wife Sooyoung anyways.

Jungeun never liked herself. She never liked this whole sh*t now. If she ran away people will would just label her as weak and laugh. Her wife, Sooyoung would abuse her, and Jinsoul was the first person she would run to.

Jinsoul would always treat her with kindness and nothing else. Jinsoul would never push her to talk about things Jungeun weren't comfortable to talk about. But what she's doing to her right now.... It reminds Jungeun of that woman she was forced to call her wife and it gave her shivers.

"You're at my house Lip, don't panic too much.. I'm here to save you" she smiles softly and walks closer to Jungeun. "Sol stop" she said. Jinsoul touches her cheeks and her hand trailing down to Jungeun's waist.

Jinsoul has obviously ignored Jungeun as she embraces her tightly. "You've been through so much Lip" she says in a hushed but soft tone.

Jungeun start shaking as she started to feel nervous. Jinsoul looks into her eyes and whispers against her neck "Don't you just want to end everything" she says with a look of hope in her eyes.

What does she mean? Is she saying she thinks Jungeun want to end everything? If so she might not be wrong. This whole world did nothing but be mean to Jungeun anyways.

People hurt her and acts nice whenever someone bigger is around. People lie to her for their own wellbeings.

Did she really want to leave felling like this? Did she want to feel terrible for the rest of her life? "You do, don't you?" Jinsoul laughs.

"I feel the same too" she says and brushes Jungeun's hair out of her face with her index finger. Jinsoul lets go of Jungeun's waist and Lippie fell onto the ground.

She didn't know what she wanted with her life. Silence filled the air and the wind was blowing her hair as if it was helping Jungeun cover her tear stained face.

Jinsoul has been looking at the sky with both her hands grasping each other behind her back.

"It's a shame though. This world seems a little pretty to me tonight. I don't want to leave just yet" she says and Jungeun looks at her back then the sky to where Jinsoul was staring at.

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