LipSoul | Help Wanted

414 14 5

Members: Kim Jungeun × Jung Jinsol
Genre: Angst, don't complain I wrote like 4 fluff chapters in a row
Warning/s: There will be parts with dark themes that might trigger the readers such as: talks about mental health, talks about killings, psychopathy, and much more

Third Person POV

"I'm warning you Ms. Jung, she's very quiet, she barely even talks!" Taeyeon exclaimed to her daughter's new therapist. This was the fifth one this year alone, and it's only april.

All Taeyeon wanted for her adopted daughter was help and no one was willing to give that to her. And it made Taeyeon terribly upset.

"It's alright Mrs. Kim, even if Jungeun doesn't like to communicate, I can still feel her emotions. Trust me when I say I won't give up on your daughter, like the rest did" Taeyeon smiled and shook Jinsoul's hand.

"Thank you!, thank you very much Ms.Jung!" Taeyeon said "Please, call me Jinsoul. Also, do you have Jungeun with you? So I can talk to her and get to know her a little bit better?" Jinsoul asked.

Taeyeon nodded and left the room. A few minutes later the door opened and in came Kim Jungeun, Taeyeon and Tiffany's adopted daughter.

"Ah, Jungeun correct? Your mom has told me a lot about you! She says that you're quiet, but a very nice girl as well" Jinsoul said, Jungeun just stared at her.

Jinsoul giggled and continued "My name is Jung Jinsol, but you can call me Jinsoul or Soul! Whatever makes you comfortable" Jungeun still didn't say anything.

"I see..." Jinsoul wrote something down in her notebook making Jungeun shift her gaze down to Jinsoul's hand. Jungeun wondered what she was writing in there.

Therapist always write in thier notebooks about thier patients, And Jungeun always thought it was something bad.

"Huh..? How strange. This is a new pen and it just ran out of ink.." Jinsoul trailed off before shrugging it off, "what I was writing wasn't that important anyways" she said.

"So Jungeun, what's your favorite color?" Jinsoul asked tilting her head to the right "Black" Jungeun said "Jungeun that's a shade" Jinsoul responded.

[A/N: I know Lippie's favorite color is red but just let me be]

Jungeun shrugged her shoulders. She let her eyes wonder around the room. There were a lots of photos of Jinsoul and her dog. There was a picture of Jinsoul with some sort of girl.

Jungeun pointed to the picture making Jinsoul look to where she was pointing. Jinsoul giggled "Oh that's my ex wife but bestfriend, Our marriage didn't work out as planned so we got a divorce, but continued as friends" she said

Jungeun then pointed to a picture of Jinsoul and a group of girls who looked like they were on a balcony just hanging out.

Deep down Jungeun was wishing she had a relationship like that with other people. Where she could smile and take photos on balconies.

"Oh, those are my friends Heejin, Hyunjin, Haseul, Vivi, Yeojin, Choerry, Yves, Jiwoo, Chaewon and Hyeju" Jinsoul exclaimed then looked at Jungeun.

"Jungeun, Do you have a friend? Wether it's an animal, rock or a human being?" Jinsoul asked "Bon Bon" Jungeun responded.

[A/N: sorry I couldn't think of anything]

"Bon Bon? Is that your friend?" Jungeun nodded "He's my pet snail... " Jungeun exclaimed "Aww how adorable! You're gonna have to show me a picture one day!" Jinsoul said with a smile.

Jungeun's eyes lift up with excitement. Someone wanted to see her snail? No one ever wanted to see Bon Bon the snail!

"And I'll bring a picture of my blue betta fish, Jindori. Next time okay?" Jungeun nodded with a smile "Next time" she confirmed and then the two shook hands.

"She's a really nice girl. I would love to see her again, Mrs. Kim" Taeyeon smiled and brought Jinsoul in for a tight hug "Thank you very much Jinsoul!" the woman thanked before pulling away.

"Her only homework is to take a picture of Bon Bon" Taeyeon nodded and then the two left the office. Jinsoul was about to eat her chocolates when she saw it wasn't on her desk."Where the heck did my chocolates go?"


"I want to strangle someone" Jinsoul wrote that on her notebook with her new pen "And why do you feel that way Jungeun?" Jungeun didn't say anything.

Jinsoul nodded and wrote that down as well "believe it or not that's a common thought that most people think about" she said "even you?" Jungeun asked tilting her head to the side.

Jinsoul smiled at Jungeun's cuteness "Yes Jungeun, even me. Now, who do you want to strangle?" Jungeun balled her fists so tight that you would've thought she was making herself bleed.

"You" Jungeun said. Jinsoul wasn't surprised nor fazed. Jungeun was a little confused. Usually this would be the part where the therapist goes out and tells her mom what she said.

But Jinsoul was different. It was as if she went through this all. "I want you to take this pillow" Jinsoul gave Jungeun a pillow "And I want you to pretend that's me, and strangle it"

Jungeun looked at the pillow before strangling it. She was strangling the pillow so much that feathers were coming out of it.

"Alright Jungeun that's enough" Jinsoul took the pillow and put it back on it's previous spot "Why do you want to strangle me so much?" Jinsoul put his pen and notebook down and looked at Jungeun dead in the eye.

"You're too nice" Jungeun said "Would you like me to be meaner?" Jinsoul asked. Jungeun shook her head. Jinsoul smiled and patted Jungeun's shoulder and got up.

"I want you to come with me" Jungeun got up and followed Jinsoul into the other room that was more empty and filled with life sized rag dolls.

"We're gonna do a little mission, alright Jungeun? I want you to torture these dolls as much as you can and want. Don't worry these guys won't break" Jinsoul whispered the last part and patted Jungeun's back, giving her a little reassurance.

"Jungeun started to torture the rag dolls as Jinsoul smiled" Just as I thought" Jinsoul whispered under his breath
"I'll be right back Jungeun. You stay here alright?" Jungeun didn't say anything.

She was busy trying to tear the rag doll open. Jinsoul left the room and went out to get Taeyeon. "Hey Mrs. Kim, I have a question" Taeyeon looked up from the book she was reading and smiled.

"What is it?" she asked "I want to borrow Jungeun for a couple of days. Is that alright with you?" Taeyeon nodded "Sure I'll just ask my wife, Jungeun's other mother, but... May I ask what for?" Jinsoul sighed and bit her lip.

"Jungeun has very violent acts and I want to help tame them" Jinsoul said "Are you going to bring her into an asylum?! Because I'm pretty damn sur-" Jinsoul cuts Taeyeon off.

"Of course not. These acts are much more than what an asylum can hold. Plus, there are certain kinds of trainings I could give her, so if you don't mind..." Jinsoul says.

"No.. I don't mind, I'll just ask Tiffany. What day or time would you like to take her under your wing?" Taeyeon asked. The two continued to make a date where Jungeun could go with Jinsoul.

Little did they know that Jungeun was listening to thier conversation.


I might make a part 2 to this. Just tell me if ya'll want it or not. By the way did you vote loona on Queendom 2 yet?? No?

Voting link:
Go vote them>:((( anyways
Don't forget to vote stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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