HyeRim | Vampire

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Members: Choi Yerim × Son Hyeju
Genre: Vampire AU, Angst..?
Warning/s: blood, mentions of killing and stuff, and more, don't read if you're not comfortable with that

Yerim's POV

I was just coming home late from the library since I was studying for a math test this tuesday. I've always hated math so much and wasn't good at it.

I walked out the library feeling the cold breeze hit me, I brush the cold feeling off and walked to the bus stop. Waiting for the bus that was taking it's time.

At this point I've gotten used to the cold feeling already. I got tired of just standing around waiting for the bus to come and sat down the bench.

I wanted to close my eyes for a bit but couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. This moment my instincts are telling me to get up and run home.

But my mind was telling me I should just wait for the bus where there might me at least a few people.

I sigh in annoyance and boredom as I checked my watch what time is it. Aaaaaand it's passed curfew. I just decided to get up and run home.

The whole run to me felt like I was being watched the whole time. The cold air got even colder than It already was before, making me shiver a bit.

Luckily my hoodie was thick enough to keep me warm and cozy. I finally made it to the front door. I knocked a couple times, expecting my possibly angry sister to open the door and scold me.

But nothing, there was nothing. I put my hand on the door knob thinking the door would probably be locked, but it wasn't.

'Weird' I thought as I slowly enter the house, walking towards the living room thinking my sister is probably there.

She's not there. So I checked the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, even her room yet there's still no sign of her.

Wait I haven't checked my room yet. with a worried feeling and hoping she's there, I then slowly went to my room.

While walking towards my room I felt the same cold feeling I felt outside. I shivered wishing for the cold to go away.

I finally made it to my room opening the door with hesitation and a now horrible anxiety washing me as I peek into my room and finally opened the door no sister.

I started to panic wondering where my sister is. 'Maybe Yujin unnie went out with Cai Bing unnie or hanged out with her friends' I thought to myself, wondering if she's okay.

I started to call her just to make sure she's fine. I dial her number and put my phone beside my ear waiting for unnie to answer.

A few seconds later as I thought she's gonna answer, I heard a phone ring from the other room.

I follow the sound of ringing, making my way down the hall at the end where Yujin unnie's room is.

I entered her room and heard her phone ringing inside the closet? I then slowly reach my hand onto the closet door.

As I opened it something fell on me. It wasn't too heavy or too light either,once I got off whatever was ontop of me. I then heard a loud thump sound.

I looked for the light switch and turned it on once I found it. My eyes widened with terror and absolute horror.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed with tears flowing down my face. My sister was there laying on the floor covered with blood....dead. I went to her and checked her pulse several times.

But there's nothing. NO. No. no! Yu-Yujin unnie s-she.... she's dead. Yujin unnie is dead. I kept crying as I hugged her lifeless body.

"It's a shame you know? I really wish I could have made her suffer a bit more longer but then wouldn't have gone right? so I'm sure you understand right Yerim-ah.." I heard a deep voice say behind me.

I turned around to see her. "H-how?! I t-thought I killed you?!" I said yelling at her angrily.

"Hahaha of course you did! Why wouldn't you? You dumped my body in a river remember? Tho I'm a little bit mad at you but even after what you did to me, I still can't say I don't love you. That's why I came after all, just for you~" she said in a deep creepy voice which sent me shivers down my spine.

"You killed my brother?! I had no other choice. You crazy bloodthirsty vampire!" I yelled at her.

"Well... you're absolutely right my dear! I did kill Beomgyu and I also tried to kill everyone you care about. Isn't that what love is my sweet Yerimie? To kill someone's own lover in order to make them happy and give them everything they'd ever wanted even if locking them up forever" Hyeju said laughing crazily.

"Still the same as ever Hye, when you can't have something, you'll just take it, still pathetic as ever" I said smirking not caring if she's going to hurt or kill me.

All if the sudden before I could even react Hyeju moved at an inhuman speed and pinned me onto the wall, I could feel her breath against my neck.

"You know babe, you shouldn't say things you're gonna regret hehehe" she said giggling at the end.

"Hey babe, do you know the whole expression about being together forever? Well how about we test it out? Hmmm?" Hyeju said causing my eyes to widden.

Realizing what she's gonna do, I struggled to break free from her. "NO! DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE!! Anything but that, kill me, torture me to death! I'll do anything but that!" I scream while kicking him hoping I could break free.

But due to her vampire strength I just couldn't "But why? Don't you think it's romantic? We really can be together forever~" Hyeju said making me struggle more.

"NO! I'd rather die than be a bloodthirsty monster like you!" I yelled making Hyeju tighten her grip on my throat more making it a lot harder to breathe clearly.

"Sorry babe, but I don't think you have much of a choice right now, but don't worry, lucky for you I'll make it quick, but I can't promise it won't be painful. Now stop struggling and stay still!" She said gripping my throat tighter.

I then heard a loud cracking noise and felt his fangs dug onto my neck with my vision getting blurrier and darker as seconds passes.

*Time Skip by a year*

After a few months of being dead, I woke up and came back as a cold bloodthirsty vampire.

At first, I was really pissed with Hyeju but over the time we spent together I came to love her as much as she loves me.

You might be thinking this is just Stockholm Syndrome or something like that but no, to me this is real love and if it weren't for Hyeju turning me to what am I now, I wouldn't have realized that.

Hyeju is the only one that I really love. This is my life now, my life with Son Hyeju, and just like he said "we're going to be together forever".


Yeah whatever that was anyways to anyone who don't know what Stockholm Syndrome is its:

Stockholm syndrome
nounStock·holm syndrome\ˈstäk-ˌhō(l)m-\

: the psychological tendency of a hostage to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with his or her captor

Thanks for reading, Don't forget to vote. Stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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