YeoRry|Little Spoon

300 22 11

Member: Im Yeojin × Choi Yerim
Genre: a short fluffy chapter hehe
Warning/s: None 👁️👄👁️👌 late daily update oof-

Third Person POV

Choerry dragged her feet as she walked up the stairs. It took everything for her to make it up them with her eyes so heavy she could hardly keep them open.

She looked forward to climbing into bed with Yeojin and just holding her in her arms as she fall asleep. Choerry found Yeojin curled up in bed when she made it to the bedroom.

Yeojin had Choerry's hoodie on and the blanket pulled up to her shoulders as she slept peacefully.

Choerry laid a little kiss on Yeojin's cheek before going into the bathroom to do her skin care routine and brush her teeth before she returned in one of her longer shirts.

She climbed under the covers and dropped her head on the pillow with a long and heavy sigh. That, along with the dip of the mattress, woke Yeojin up.

Choerry didn't expect to stare back at Yeojin when she pulled her hand away from her face, but she didn't complain when she saw the love behind them.

"Hey" Yeojin whispered and started to brush her fingertips along Choerry's arm "Are you okay?" She asked her.

"Yeah" she nodded so she wouldn't worry Yeojin, even though she was exhausted and tense "it's nothing, just a lot going all, that's it" she said.

Yeojin nodded and watched her close her heavy eyes as she did the same. But she opened her eyes again right away, staring at Yeojin as she debated on asking the question on her mind.

Choerry stared at Yeojin for a moment, unaware that she could feel her eyes on her 👁️👄👁️.

"Why are you staring at me and not going to sleep?" Yeojin asked as she opened her eyes and reached over to caress Choerry's cheek.

"I don't know, I'm really exhausted but I just can't seem to fall asleep" Yerim said "Do you want to cuddle?" Yeojin suggested.

Choerry quickly nodded her head and Yeojin went to lay her head on Choerry's chest since she often loves being the big spoon and holding her.

But after a long busy day, Yerim craved being held tonight "Yeojin..babe?" She called her as Yeojin's head hovered over her chest "Could you hold me tonight? Let me be the small spoon?" Yerim asked, slightly pouting.

Yeojin nodded and Choerry rolled over before Yeojin put her arms around her "Are you okay now? Warm? Content?" Yeojin asked if she felt comfortable.

"Yeah. I feel so much better now" she mumbled as she closed her eyes "Thank you so much my love" Choerry said.

"All you ever have to do is say the word, Unnie when you need nights like these, I'm more than happy to hold you" Yeojin said.

"I know and I really love you" Choerry said whispering sleepily "I love you even more baby, now go sleep and have sweet dreams"

Yeojin brushed her fingers through Choerry's hair with one hand, and the other resting on her stomach as she held her close.

With thier legs tangled together and the warmth and comfort of Yeojin's embrace, Choerry soon forgot her long and tiring day and drifted off to sleep, feeling cozy and happy.


Heyy what's up
Hope you enjoyed what I just wrote lmao. Don't forget to vote, stay safe guys 👁️👄👁️👉♥️

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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