ViSeul | Late

195 18 1

Members: Jo Haseul × Wong Kahei
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: none, thought this would be cute hehe ^_^

Vivi's POV

"Love" A soft voice said trying to wake me up. I ignored it, threw the blanket over my head and let out a whine.

I was too tired to form out a sentence. Haseul chuckled lightly and tried once again "Love, You need to get up".

I only heard half of her sentence before I went back to sleep. "Alright, I'll try a different strategy" she murmured into my ear.

I felt her poke my stomach, attempting to wake me up by tickling me. Normally I would be screaming in laughing at this point.

But I was exhausted from the day before. So it didn't even faze me. Haseul tried it again over and over but I didn't even budge or open my eyes.

Haseul sighed and took the blanket off my head "You're going to be late" she said.

I muttered something in gibberish and snuggled onto her. Even though she wanted me to get up

Haseul wrapped her arms around me as I cuddled onto her "Hhmmm" Haseul hummed thoughtfully.

Haseul stopped hugging me and moved her hands. I felt her hold my face gently. Next thing I knew, her soft lips met mine.

I immediately responded and kissed her back just as passionately as she was kissing me.

We both pulled away after oxygen became a problem. I smiled and opened my eyes.

"Hi" I whispered as I looked at her. Haseul giggled "Nice to know that my kisses has the ability to wake you up" she said.

"It's a pretty good way to wake up, not gonna lie" I said chuckling. Haseul grinned and kissed my cheeck.

"Well now that you're up, get ready. Your shift is gonna start in fifteen minutes" she said.

My eyes widened as I quickly looked at the clock. Holy mother of pringles! I was gonna be late.

I jumped out of bed and changed my clothes in record time. I quickly brushed my teeth, grabbed my phone and purse.

I ran out of the bedroom and out of the front door to get into the car when I paused. I totally forgot something!

I ran back inside and into our shared bedroom to see Haseul looking at me in confusion "You forgot something love?" She asked.

"Yeah" I hurriedly jogged up to her and gave her a medium long kiss. I gently pulled away and softly smiled at her.

Haseul looked both stunned and delighted as a light blush covered her cheeks. I ran out of the room again and called over my shoulder "I love you!"

Before I closed our front door I heard her shout back "I love you too! Have a great day at work!"

I grinned and went running to the car. My morning wouldn't have been as nice if Haseul wasn't here.

I'm so lucky to have her.


Hello! How's the story? Do you like it? If you did let me know hehe I like reading comments and don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading, stay safe💜

- Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍) 💗

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