LipSoul | Clingy

629 28 3

Member: Kim Jungeun  × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: Another angsty chapter coz I feel like it, did you think it's gonna be fluff because if the title 🤨
Warning/s: nothing serious

Third Person POV

Jinsoul was not having a good day. She wasn't having a good week either. Like always her father has been pushing her to the limits physically, with training, and emotionally.

Jinsoul just wanted a break from everything and to just be left alone. Well.... that's what she thought she wanted anyway.

In her eyes, having time for himself was the best kind of medicine. She'd be able to sit back, relax, and just breathe.

It would let her come to terms with her thoughts and allow her to just take a breather.

However, it could also lead her to be more irritated, but she was too blind to see this. That's why she thought of her. Kim Jungeun, her girlfriend

Jinsoul father's words and Insults cursed through her mind, making her jaw clench and her body tense.

"Soul..." She thought being with Lippie would help, seeing Jungeun usually calmed her down. But at the moment she's too blind to see the help Jungeun was giving her.

"Soul you've tensed up. Are you alright?" Jungeun asked her wearily. Jinsoul looked at her across the small table that Jungeun had in her room.

The two of them were having a study session for an upcoming test "I'm fine" Jinsoul mumbled, Jungeun let out a sigh "how about we take a break for a little bit, hm?" She suggested with a tired smile.

Jungeun watched as Jinsoul blinked slowly, nodding her head once. Lippie's eyebrows furrowed. She had noticed Jinsoul's attitude lately.

Jinsoul was blunt and spoke briefly in a tired, unbothered tone... more so than usual. It was almost as if she was distracted by something but couldn't say it out loud.

Jungeun stood up and walked to where Jinsoul sat cross legged, she knelt down beside her and held her cheek with her hand.

Jinsoul didn't react as Jungeun's thumb caressed her left cheek softly. "What's going on with you?" She asked quietly, shoulders slumping slightly as Jinsoul glared at her from the side.

"I said I was fine. drop it, Lip" Jinsoul said sternly. Jungeun removed her hand from Jinsoul's cheek, sitting her hand in her lap as she looked at Jinsoul taken aback by her tone.

"You don't seem fine" Jungeun said gently as she went behind Jinsoul leaning her chest on Jinsoul's back "Please tell me what's bothering you Soul"

Jinsoul inhaled sharply at Jungeun's touch, jaw clenching again "Jungeun please get off me" Jinsoul said as Lippie's eyes widened "what has gotten into you?"

Jungeun loosened her arm around Jinsoul "I'm just trying to help" she said "Oh yeah? Well you're not so get off me" Jinsoul shrugged Jungeun off her harshly, causing Jungeun to fall on her butt.

Jinsoul paid no mind on the small yelp Jungeun made "Soul this is ridiculous, tell me what's wrong" Jungeun stood up, rubbing the back of her thigh.

Jinsoul watched Jungeun sternly as she walked to the side of her. Jinsoul stood up, her form towering over Jungeun's own as she  stared at her. Jinsoul's eyes were cold, anger swarming in them.

She was not in the mood right now. "I said I'm fine. Just leave me the hell alone" she grumbled, arms crossing over her chest.

Was coming here a mistake? Eyebrows furrowing, Jungeun went to touch her arm "Stop saying you're fine when I clearly see you're not. Something is bothering you and as your girlfriend I want to help you" Jungeun's fingers grazed her arm "please I-"

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