HeeHye | Slurpee

307 18 3

Members: Jeon Heejin × Son Hyeju
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: None, I thought this would be cute:3

Third Person POV

Heejin was at the fair. The screams of people in rides below through the air and the lights of the giant rides gleam in her eyes as she walks around with her best friend Hyunjin and her girlfriend Yerim.

The atmosphere was euphoric and everyone seems to have a smile on thier face "Hyunjin unnie! I want that!" Yerim whined at her girlfriend, pointing at a huge bat plushy.

Heejin playfully rolled her eyes, once again re thinking why did she even agreed to hang out with them if she's just gonna be a third wheel. Hyunjin smiled and said "Fine! But if I get it you'll give me kiss okay?".

"Yeah sure! Just be quick hurry that guy might win it already and it's the last one!" Yerim said in frustration as she dragged Hyunjin to the stall.

"Sorry Heej, this might take a while, you can go walk around if you like" Hyunjin suggested as Yerim continued to drag her towards the stall where the plushy is.

"Okay sure, you two have fun" Heejin say while she walks away "You brought money with you right?" Hyunjin yelled "Yes I did, now shoo go away with Yerim" Heejin said, embarrassed because a few people started staring at them when Hyunjin yelled.

Heejin walked around and bought herself a slurpee. Heejin took a sip on it every now and then as she look around and wonder which ride she wanted to go on.

Heejin wanted to pick a ride that isn't too slow and a ride that isn't too fast, so she decided to pick a ride called "the cyclone", Yeah just right.

While she walked towards the ticket booth, Heejin held her cold slurpee on her right hand while her other hand is holding her phone.

"One ticket for the cyclone ride please" Heejin asked the lady politely. Heejin took the ticket as she payed the lady. Heejin looks at the ride and was about to go on.

Heejin took her eyes off her direction for a brief second as she felt a cold liquid spill on her white shirt. "Oh my god!" Heejin exclaims. She looked down to see her blue slurpee all over her shirt.

"I'm so sorry" she heard someone said, Heejin looked up to where voice  came from to see a girl with bright brown eyes looking back at her.

She saw the reflection of neon lights glimmer in the girl's eyes "Let me help you" the girl suggests while running to a churro stand which is close to the place Heejin was standing at.

The mystery girl comes back with a stack of paper towels and handed them to Heejin "Thank you, I could've done that myself" she said.

"No it's okay" the girl replies back as Heejin slowly stepped away "Are you going to be okay? I can lend you my hoodie" she said.

"No no it's alright" Heejin said, rejecting the girl's kind offer even though she didn't really want to walk around in a white shirt with a blue stain right, smack in the middle and she hate to admit it but it was also getting quite cold.

"Seriously, you could just give it back before you leave, if you could find me" the girl suggested, still offering her hoodie, Heejin let out a sigh.

"Thank you so much, if it was another person, they would've probably cussed me out and left" Heejin said, as the girl takes off her black hoodie, she lets out a soft chuckle.

"Uhm if you don't mind me asking, where are you heading now?" the girl asked "I was about to go on the cyclone before you know, this" Heejin said, pointing at her shirt which is now covered by the hoodie.

"Great! Now I have someone to go with" the mysterious girl said, letting her hand out for Heejin to hold. Heejin started to panic as she didn't know what to do.

The girl waits patiently for Heejin to hold it as she gives her a 'you know you want to' look. Heejin sighed as she reached for the girl's hand and hold it, she giggles.

The line was quite short, so the wait wasn't that long "Not gonna lie but this looks kinda scary" Heejin said as the ride instructor secures them both.

"It's okay, I'll just hold your hand" the girl said, Heejin smiled softly at her as the ride started "AAHHHHH!" Heejin screamed at the top of her lungs. As the mystery girl just giggles not even bothered by the ride.

Everything feels so right. It felt like Heejin knew the girl her whole life and even though she just met her, Heejin could feel like she can trust the girl with her whole life.

"Wait! I don't even know your name!" Heejin yelled because she probably wouldn't hear her if she just said it normally due to the other people in the ride screaming.

"What?!" The girl yelled back, clearly didn't hear Heejin properly, as the ride spins and spins "I said I don't even know your name!" Heejin repeated.

"Oh! The names Hyeju! Son Hyeju! What's your name?!" Hyeju asked back "Heejin! Jeon Heejin!" Heejin said, they both paused, they looked at each other for a moment and let out a laugh.

Hyeju, in Heejin's heart, her name was, the girl that spilled slurpee all over her at the fair.


Well that went a bit nice, what do you think about it tho?

Hope you enjoyed that, don't forget to vote, stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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