HyunRry| Waves

220 18 10

Member: Kim Hyunjin × Choi Yerim
Genre: Angst because I make too many fluffs
Warning/s: Depression is mentioned and described in this chapter

Keep in mind that everyone copes differently and the way I describe the depression in this chapter is most probably different to how other people have it.

Third Person POV

Dark gloomy clouds covered the skies, blinding everyone from the beaming sun that was hidden. The sound of rain tapping on the window and the clicking of the keyboard was all that could be heard in the dim room as your eyes bore into the screen in front of Yerim.

She sighed as she shut the laptop, leaning back and covering her face with her hands. Letting out a deep sigh, her head fell forward as she propped her elbows onto the desk in front of her.

Yerim stayed that way for a good few moments, drowning out the faint noise of the storm outside as she focused on her thoughts. Lately she hadn't been motivated much.

The continuous thoughts had been bothering her and Yerim just couldn't get anything done, no matter how hard she tried. It was so very frustrating as the worry of her teacher, Ms. Lee lecturing her was not something Yerim needed right now and only added to her stress.

Lifting her head up slightly, now laying her cheek on her arm, Yerim looked out of the window, watching closely as the clouds moved very slowly. Yerim stood up, walking over the window and closing her blinds as the darkness of the night started to seep in.

Looking over her shoulder, Yerim looked over to her alarm clock '7:27 pm' it read. Her eyes then drifted to the plate on her beside table, at least half of the dinner still sat there.

Wordlessly Yerim picked it up and made her way out of her room. Around half an hour ago Yerim's mother had asked her to go down and eat dinner with the rest of the family.

Yerim refused and asked if she could eat it in her room because of her school work, promising she'd eat. Yerim's heart tore at how disappointed her mother looked as she saw the food go in the bin after Yerim made her way to the kitchen.

As she was about to continue her journey to go back upstairs, her mother spoke "Yerim-ah you promised you'd eat" she sighed as she looked at her. Yerim gave her a small smile and said "Sorry mom... I wasn't that hungry" she waved at her as Yerim walked up the stairs and into her bathroom.

Locking the door, Yerim undressed. Her eyes glazed over her reflection in the mirror for a fraction as she got into the shower. Turning the tap, Yerim closed her eyes as the warm water drifted over her body.

The calmness and tranquility relaxed her. Yerim felt herself lighten as she gently wrapped her arms around her stomach, head lowering as a small whimper escaped her lips.

Yerim bit her lip as her tears mixed with the water from the shower head above her, Yerim's grip tightening as her eyebrows furrowed "You'll be fine tommorow" she whispered to herself as small hiccups escaped her lips "You'll be fine.."

Tomorrow soon came after a rather restless night, no matter how hard Yerim tried she just couldn't fall asleep at first. The reason behind it was silly really.

In the dark, in the comfort of her warm blankets, in the silence of the night, her dark thoughts revisited her. The way each thought stabbed her as Yerim's mind raced.

Finding evidence that what she was thinking was true. It was too much to allow her to rest, Yerim did get to sleep eventually, though the amount she got was not helping her eye bags and constant exhaustion.

Still, like every other day, Yerim did her morning routine, leading her up to the current moment. Yerim slipped through the classroom doors, making her way over her seat.

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