LipSoul| I'll Get You Back

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Member: Kim Jungeun × Jeong Jinsol
Genre: I don't really know if this counts as angst┐( ∵ )┌
Warning/s: None(◕ᴗ◕✿)

Jinsoul's POV


"Break up with that girl" my father said. I cannot believe what I just heard.. I thought my father approved my relationship with Jungeun.

Why does he suddenly want me to break up with her? "WHAT?! HOW COULD YO--" I gut cut off as my mother held my shoulder and told me to sit.

"You heard me.. Don't you dare go against my decision or something might happen to your precious Jungeun" father said intimidating me.

I then clenched my fists. As much as I wanted to fight for my relationship with Lippie, I can't risk losing the person I love the most, Kim Jungeun.

I walked away from the room and slammed the door shut. I went to my bedroom feeling my knees weak. I couldn't control my tears.. At that time my mother went entered the room.

"I'm sorry.. I couldn't help you sweetie" my mother said as she crouched down and hugged me.

"That man always ruins my life.. He never lets me be happy" I said between my tears.

"Jungeun' s family business stopped the cooperation with ours.. I told your father not to drag your relationship with her but he didn't listen" mother said while stroking my hair trying to calm me down.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't hurt her, I love her so much I just can't, I need her.." I said as Jungeun's precious smile flashed through my mind.

"I know Sol, but you need to do it, to save her, it's for her own good" mother said as she hold my cheeks making me face her.

"Okay, mom" I said. I can't do this to her. Help me... Please.


"Sol! Are you okay?" Jungeun asked snapping me out of my thoughts "Uhm.. Actually, there's something I need to talk to you about" I said as I hung my head low.

I can't even look at her at this point. I'm sorry Lippie "What is it? It seems important.. Its okay no need to rush it, I'm here" Jungeun said holding my hand.

Well here it goes, I'm sorry love I'm doing this for your own good even if it'll break the both of us " W-we need to break up" I said as I felt Jungeun's hand shaking as I heard a sob from her.

I'm really sorry Lip I didn't mean to make you cry, but this is for the best. "W-why? I thought we were happy with each other.. we barely even fight, why? Did you find someone better than me?" Jungeun said between her cries.

My heart dropped, I want to hug and comfort her so bad and say sorry, but I can't "I need space for myself" I said as I try to hold back my tears from falling by staring at my lap.

She then pulled her hand away from me and stood up from her seat "Thank you for loving me all this time, even though we didn't last that long.. having you as my girlfriend

Its the best blessing for me.. Remember that I will always love you Sol" She said walking past me.

My heart felt like it got stabbed by a knife over and over again.. I stared at the empty seat beside me with an emotionless expression.

I pulled out the ring from my pocket and chuckled bitterly "I'll get you back my love, Don't worry".


There, an angsty chapter, I'm sorry istg It's rlly hard for me to write a fluffy chapter for LipSoul (╥﹏╥) Hope ya'll are doing great. thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote.

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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