ViSeul | A Love That Blooms

459 33 2

Member: Jo Haseul × Wong Kahei
Genre: Fluff , This might be a short chapter too hehe
Warning/s: None

Third Person POV

"You love flowers don't you?" Haseul asked Vivi as both of them sat on the grass of the school's garden. "Do you know thier meanings?".

Haseul and Vivi are quite close. Both of them enjoyed staying outdoors with the company of nature and especially flowers.

Haseul comes with Vivi sometimes and Vivi would always tell her the flower's meanings as both of them could see, though Haseul often ends up dozing off.

"Yeah, actually" Vivi replied, picking on the grass blades. Haseul plucked a white camelia and tucked it behind Vivi's ear.

"What does this mean?" Haseul queried, referring to the flower. "it suits you by the way" Haseul tells Vivi.

Vivi smiled "It means waiting" she told Haseul, reaching up to touch the soft petals. "You? Do you know any?" Vivi asked.

"I only know two of them" Haseul admitted and Vivi gave her a questioning look "I can relate to thier meanings a lot".

"Really?" Vivi said leaning forward, interested. "Yeah" Haseul confirmed with a small smile, looking at Vivi "The red camelia means love, and the yellow camelia means jealousy"

"You can relate to those?" Vivi questions, rhetorically surprised. "Oh so you do have feelings after all" Vivi said giggling.

Haseul's eyes twitched in irritation, tho she let it go. "Do you wanna know how I can relate to it?" Haseul asked as Vivi just nodded curiously.

Haseul leaned in closer to Vivi and whispered in her ear " I'm in love with you, and I get jealous when I see others make you happier than I do" she said.

Vivi face heated up in Haseul's sudden confession. Haseul leaned back with a smirk, amused by Vivi's reaction.

Haseul always loved teasing Vivi like this, and despite not being lovers yet, she would always kiss her on the cheek when dropping her at home, seemingly enjoying the red color that spreads on Vivi's face.

"I-idiot!" Vivi stammered, shoving Haseul lightly "Don't joke around like that, it's not funny" she said.

Haseul laughed "how would you know that it was a joke?" Haseul asked, Vivi chest tightened. A part of her hoped it was a bluff, but another part hopes it wasn't.

Vivi loves her, that's for sure, but then again, they were just best friends."Hey Haseul..." Vivi began suddenly, continuing to pick on the grass. "Why are the best people always the first to leave you?" She asked.

"I don't know, What do you think?" Haseul asked back. Vivi bit her lip thoughtfully, tilting her head "Well, in a garden which flower would you pick?"

Haseul hummed "The prettiest one, I guess" she answered, Vivi gave her a close eyes smile "Then we have an answer right there" Vivi's eyes suddenly shot open as her felt a pair of lips on hers.

As soon as it came, it was gone. Vivi stared into Haseul's eyes, surprised. Haseul leaned her forehead on Vivi's, hands cupping her cheeks "You're so cute" she said.

"I don't know about you Vivi, but I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna leave you anytime soon" Haseul said, her gaze landed on the flower behind Vivi's ear before it went back to her eyes.

"And I'm willing to wait for you, even if it hurts. Even if I know you'll never come" Haseul said as she gave Vivi another small kiss whispering as she pulled away.

"But don't keep me waiting because I know I will"


Hai, another update coz why not, it's short I know but

Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it so much it makes my day seeing y'all like what I write ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote, stay safe💜 

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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