YeoRry | Puppy Fever

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Member: Im Yeojin × Choi Yerim
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: none hehe sorry if I barely update these days huhu T^T

Yeojin's POV

Me and Yerim unnie are watching a movie, and it's getting quite boring so I decided to scroll through instagram and saw a post about a dog in the shelter that needed a home. It's so cute, I just have to go see it.

I know Yerim unnie said no more dogs cause we have like 10 but I can't just ignore them.... They all need homes!!

"Yeojin-ah! Are you ever watching?" Yerim unnie  asks "Sorry I'm just-hungry" I say as I suddenly thought of an idea.

One of Yerim's weaknesses was when I needed something. Needed not wanted. Well I wanted the dog.

Most people have baby fever but nope not me. I have puppy fever. Which is a whole lot better if you ask me.

"Oh baby what do you want me to get you?! I'll go right now" she said standing up.

"I'm on my period and I'm really craving pad Thai" i said. I know our favorite place was about an hour away.

And it would take her at least 2 hours! "Baby that takes like 2 hours away" she says and I pout sadly.

"I'm sorry you're right I'll eat something else" I say. She looks over at me and let me tell you I put my acting skills to test.

"Okay fine! I'll go get you some. Do you want anything else?" She asks. "Really?!,Nope that's it thank u!" I said jumping up kissing her on the cheek.

Yerim unnie giggles "Anything for you my love, I'll be back in like 2 hours" she said grabbing her car keys and heading out.

Once I made sure she was out of sight. I immediately grab my car keys and headed out to the shelter.

I'm soo excited!! The dog is a male pomeranian shih tzu mix, 4 months old, his name is Cloud.

He needed a home because he got abused by his previous owners. The staff said he was amazing with other dogs.

So I knew he would be a fine addition to the family. I got to the shelter and went through the process and officialy adopted him.

I looked at the time and I have about an hour before Yerimie comes home so I went to the pet shop and bought things for him.

"Are you ready to go home Cloud?" I asked the dog as we were about to head home.

We arrived home just in time and set up everything for him as he got to meet up the other dogs.

He seemed to get along with the other dogs well which is good. I hopped on the couch and waited for Yerim unnie to get home.

Maybe she won't notice.... right? A few moments later I heard the door open. "Yeojinie! I'm home, I have food!" She yells coming in the living room with food.

"Yay! thank you so much" I say taking it from her. She got bombarded seconds later when all the dogs greeted her.

"Hello babies! Did you miss me?" She said petting all of them. "Okay Latte that's enough" he said giggling on the floor.

"Hi Gureumie- hi... huh? Who are you? Where'd you come from?" Yerimie asked cloud confused.

"Yeojin-ah....?" She looks up at me carrying cloud in her arms. "Unnie the food is really good, wow" I said taking a bite.

"Yeojin-ah who is this?" She said showing me Cloud "Cute right?" I say "Yes cute. What is it doing here? And how did it got in here?" She asks.

"Ok fine I adopted him earlier when you were out I couldn't help myself, it was like he was calling out to me" I said.

"Yeojin-ah all of them seem to be calling out to you. You can't just adopt every dog you see. We literally have nine dogs already. Not that it's a bad thing, but we already have a lot we don't need more" she says

"I'm sorry but he was getting abused by his previous owners and I just needed to help him okay" I said as he smiles.

"Awww Yeojin-ah, you could've just told me, so you didn't have to sneak him in, plus he's very cute" Yerimie says petting Cloud's head.

"Hello cutie welcome to the family" she says giving Cloud a kiss on top of his head.

"Awwww! see wasn't this a great idea"  I say as she playfully rolls her eyes chuckling.

"Sure but for real tho, no more, this is enough" he says sitting down. "OK....... I mean I can't promise tho" I say "Oh god Yeojin" she says.


How is it? I think it's kinda cute, but I'm more of a cat person. Anyways I do hope you liked it, if you do... thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote. Stay Safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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