HyeWon | Subway

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Member: Park Chaewon × Son Hyeju
Genre: Fluff, I was planning to write tons of angst but idk I'm suddenly writing fluff😭😭
Warning/s: none

Gowon's POV

Me and Hyeju are on our way home from school and it's currently 4 in the afternoon as Hyeju and I decided to take the subway home.

As we arrived at the subway we saw that it was quite crowded, nearly all the seats are occupied but there's still space. As we're on the train we found a spot we can stand on.

I stood next to my girlfriend Hyeju trying to reach the handle so I don't fall but it's quite high up .It's been a whole 4 minutes since I started trying to reach onto the handle.

Aaaand,it isn't really going well for me. I could barely touch the handle. Why do people put the handle so high up?

Hyeju just stood beside me laughing at my shortness under her breath, and she even mocked me by holding onto the handle I was trying to reach.

I puffed up and came up with an idea. "Hye? Can you lower down your arm?" I  said looking up to her with a smile.

"Huh? why?" She questioned as she tilted her head to the side which I found really cute "Just do it, please~" I lightly commanded her with puppy eyes.

Hyeju slightly blushed as she followed my instructions. Hyeju lowered her arm and I then took her hand and wrapped it with mine.

There, now I don't have to worry about falling because Hyeju is keeping me standing.

"You won't let me fall, right Hye?" I asked her softly. Hyeju then smirked and said "But you already did fall".

I frowned and looked at her, I then cocked my eyebrow "what do you mean?" I asked her confused "You fell in love with me" Hyeju happily explained.

I cringed and blinked my eyes a few times before letting go of her hand and said "Nevermind I'll just hold on onto this seat then" I said pointing my finger onto the seat.

But before I could go there, Hyeju back-hugged me with one arm while she hold on onto the handle "Not gonna happen babygirl, you're stuck with me".

I giggled "Jeez I was joking, and remind me later not to let you read those cringy novels anymore, you're flirting lines are getting very cringy".

"Oh please" Hyeju said grinning "Stop denying It I know you love my flirting lines" she said with that stupid smirk on her face.

I do love it but not in a million years am I telling her that. Instead I rolled my eyes and pressed my head onto her chest.

Hyeju tightened the hug and kissed the back of my head saying "I love you, shorty" I chuckled and said "I love you too, dork"


Thanks for reading, I hoped you liked it. Don't forget to vote, stay safe💜 Idk why but I low-key cringed writing this T^T
I'll do better next time I promise.

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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