YveSoul | Better

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Member: Jeong Jinsol × Ha Sooyoung
Genre: Fluff coz this is a cute ship hehe♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
Warning/s: None

Third Person POV

Yves had Hyeju on her shoulders and Choerry on her arms. The three of them were playing in the ocean, having fun.

While Jinsoul was with Hyunjin resting on the sand. Yves wanted to play with Hyunjin as well but she was sleeping.

[A/N: the triplet line are kids in this chapter]

So she figured out that she'll just have fun with these two little girls who wouldn't let her go. "Swim! We go swimming!" Hyeju cheered from Yves's shoulders.

As Choerry giggled and clapped her hands. Yves put Yerim on the water where only her feet were in the water.

"Oh~ cold" little Yerim giggled splashing her feet. Yves chuckled and helped Hyeju off her shoulders "Remember, don't go in that deep in the water" she said to the girls, and they both nodded and went to splash her with the water.

Yves let out a small gasp. As she lunged forward and picking the both them up. As they both squealed and laughed.

Jinsoul saw from the a distance . How Yves was with her children. She loved how she was with them. Yves was way better than thier other Mother, Jungeun.

Yves knew what they liked, what they didn't like. Yves knew what they wanted and what they didn't. She knew them when they were sleepy and when they just wanted to take a nap.

Yves was just so good at them and Jinsoul loved it, she is even good to her. Yves treated her with so much love and respect. She would always be there for her whether if it was some late night call to buy some diapers. Yves would always be there for her.

Jinsoul loves Yves and there was nothing that could change that. She tried to get over with her feelings for her but with every passing day with her it gets a lot stronger.

Jinsoul knew it was wrong, especially cause she has a wife. She didn't love her as much as she loves Yves tho. Not to mention she was no help with the kids.

Jinsoul knew that her relationship with her wife was falling and it was falling hard. She tried to save it but it wasn't worth saving.

She wasn't happy with her, even from the start she wasn't happy. Jinsoul was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a scream.

She snapped her head towards Yves's direction, worried that something bad may have happened.

She lets out a sigh of relief seeing Yves running after the two girls who is running straight to her.

She smiled and opened up her arms as they got closer. Letting out a small grunt as the two little girls jumped in her arms.

"Easy girls, did you two have fun?" you asked them "Yes mom, Yves unnie is really fun to play with" Choerry and Hyeju said at the same time.

"Yeah, you guys better say that, I'm tired" Yves said, flopping on the towel. Jinsoul felt a small weight climbing up on her chest.

Yves opened her eyes to see Hyunjin has made Yves's chest her new bed. Yves smiled and softly ran her fingers on Hyunjin's hair.

Yves felt eyes on her, so she looked away from Hyunjin and to Jinsoul, who was looking at her with a smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Yves teased Jinsoul causing cheeks to heat up "Come on let's go get something to eat"

Yves carried the two sleeping girls into Jinsoul's house. Hyunjin was following behind but she was barely awake. Yves went up the stairs with Hyunjin following behind her.

She gently set Choerry down and then Hyeju, making sure they were tucked in. She then picked up Hyunjin, also tucking her in.

"Thank you for being with us today Sooyoung unnie, We like it when you're here, can you be here more?" little Choerry said, making Yves smile at the child and leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"I'll try little buddy" Yves said as Choerry smiled and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Yves got up turning around jumping slightly when she saw Jinsoul standing at the door way. Yves felt her heart beat pick up it's pace at how Jinsoul was looking at her.

"You're so good with them" Jinsoul said making Yves smile at her "Well of course I am, I love them" she smiled and pulled Jinsoul close for a hug.

She wrapped her arms around Yves's neck and Yves's arms wrapped around Jinsoul's waist "You're amazing" Jinsoul mumbled onto Yves's neck.

Yves couldn't help but blush from her words "Not as amazing as you" Jinsoul pulled away looking into her eyes with those beautiful hazel brown eyes.

In that moment Yves knew that this was the start of something new.


Hehe am I the only one who thinks YveSoul is a cute ship, plus the triplet line being kids in this chapter is so cute hehe o((*^▽^*))o

Thanks for reading, Don't forget to vote. Stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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