ViVes | Empty Space

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Members: Wong Kahei × Ha Sooyoung
Genre: Angst
Warning/s: idk uhm alcohol, Cursing and stuffs, this is probs the last update for today idk

Third Person POV

Sooyoung woke up to an uneasy feeling in her stomach along with a pounding headache. She slowly sat up from the sheets and held her face in both hands, groaning in pain.

Sooyoung came home around 3 am from the local bar as a way to forget her problems. And it definitely worked because she totally forgot what the hell happened last night and why he had to wake up to such a sh*tty morning.

"Vivi.... babe..?" Sooyoung croaked out with eyes closed. Not receiving any response, she called out again "Vivi? Babe I need some painkillers. My head is killing me" the girl said.

Sooyoung started to feel frustrated at this point so she opened her eyes and patted the space next to her "Babe I said I need-" she didn't continue as she realised.

That the space beside her was empty. Her room was trashed with broken frames and flipped tables. Sooyoung picked up the closest frame to her and realised it was the photo of Vivi and her kissing on thier date night in Paris.

The only thing was, the photo was torn in half, separating them both. Then the memories returned. Sooyoung remembered why she went to the bar and turned out like this.

Vivi weren't hers anymore. Before Sooyoung had a habit of drinking. She'd come home late from work smelling like she jumped into a pool of whiskey, not even knowing how to count to five.

Vivi would scold Sooyoung for her actions but Sooyoung would roll her eyes and drop straight to bed, contaminating it with her alcoholic smell.


One night she returned home again with the same stench which could probably her new cologne. Vivi was packing her things but she was stopped as Sooyoung's hands roamed all over her body.

"Don't touch me Soo" Vivi said "Baby, I just want some fun tonight" Sooyoung slurred, raining kisses on Vivi's neck.

Vivi aggressively pushed her "I said don't touch me! Sooyoung-ah everyday I always wonder if you actually loved me!" Vivi spat out.

Sooyoung's head was spinning from the alcohol, she couldn't even concentrate on Vivi's question "Hm?" She asked

"See! You're not even paying attention! You never showed me affection, Soo it was always you and your stupid alcohol! If you love it that much, then it might as well be your new lover!" Vivi basically yelled at her.

Sooyoung laid on the bed and rubbed her head "Stop yelling, It's annoying me" she said. Tears were welling up on Vivi's eyes, as she started trashing the room, startling Sooyoung.

Vivi flipped the tables, broke several vases and frames and finally held out that one frame she cherished the most "You never loved me Soo, it's over"

That was the last words, as she smashed the frame on the ground and tore the picture in half. Vivi took her bags and went to the door.

"You never loved me.." Vivi whispered one more time before disappearing. Sooyoung groaned and took her keys "F*ck this, I'm going to the bar" she muttered.

-End of flashback-

That's all she could remember.. For now "She left me.." Sooyoung mumbled to herself, gently caressing the picture of Vivi with her thumb.

Sooyoung flinched when she heard the bathroom door unlock. She placed the frame to the side and used a glass piece as her weapon.

Sooyoung was only wearing a plain oversized white shirt and some shorts but her main priority was kicking this b*tch out, whoever it was.

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