ViSeul | Play

320 25 1

Members: Jo Haseul × Wong Kahei
Genre: o((*^▽^*))oFluff hehe
Warning/s: None;)

Vivi's POV

I giggled as I looked at the photo of Haseul and me back in high school, I was laying on a bed, dressed up as princess Aurora while Haseul was dressed as prince Philip.

We were in our school play of sleeping beauty. A soft smile graced my face as I remembered the final scene.


I laid completely still, trying to tame my breathing to look like I was dead. I definitely looked like a princess.

The school had so much money for dramas and plays, so getting us outfits and make up was no problem.

I heard a music of triumph and knew that Haseul had beated the dragon. She'll appear soon and kiss me awake.

My heart was beating so loudly. When we were rehearsing, Haseul would always find a way to back out of kissing me lip to lip.

[A/N: I don't know why I'm having Fantasy Of The Girls flashbacks(。ノω\。)]

It frustrated our director Joohyun unnie. But Haseul promised that she would actually kiss me on the night of the play.

The sound of boots near me gave me the indication that Haseul entered my room. I felt the spotlight hit my whole body and tried to keep my face neutral.

There was a sudden silence in the school theatre. No music played. I could tell everyone was waiting for Haseul to lean in and give me a kiss, effectively waking me up from my 'slumber'.

I felt Haseul gently hold my face in her palm. Her hand was a bit cold and it slightly shivered as she held my face.

I could tell that she was really nervous.

Once she gathered the nerve, she leaned down and gently attached our lips together. Her lips were so soft. Haseul stayed longer than the script intended.

But did I care? Nope, she could kiss me as long as she wanted. When she pulled away, I waited a couple of seconds before dramatically opening my eyes.

I met Haseul's eyes and smiled as I saw her in front of me. Some little kids in the theater cheered as they saw me wake up.

The music kicked back up again and we ended the play with Haseul and I dancing gracefully.

The curtains closed as Haseul and I danced, the ending music played. As the curtains closed, we immediately stopped dancing.

I sighed in relief and tiredness, hugging Haseul, she tensed up before hugging me back. We were still in the center of the stage.

"Quick! Line up! Credits are going to be called!" our director Joohyun unnie whisper yelled to everyone.

Everyone in the play quickly joined Haseul and I at the center of the stage. The curtains rose once again and everyone was cheering and clapping at us.

Haseul and I shared a small smile as we bowed to the audience.

End of flashback.

Such wonderful memories. I felt arms wrapped around me and a kiss on my neck as Haseul joined me in bed "What are you looking at Love?" She asked.

"Remember this?" I chuckled and showed Haseul the small framed photo. She smiled and said "How could I forget it? It was our first kiss".

"You were so nervous" I chuckled, Haseul blushed and said "Hey, we didn't really know each other that well before, apart from doing the play together, sue me for being shy"

"Don't worry, I was preety shy as well" I said kissing her cheek "You looked really handsome as the prince by the way" I said.

Haseul perked up as soon as I said that "I know right? I was amazing" she cockily said. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"What?" She questioned before it finally clicked what I wanted him to say "Oh! You were really gorgeous as the princess! I shouldn't need to tell you this. You're always gorgeous" she said.

A blush spread across my cheeks "I wouldn't go that far but thank you" you said thanking her. "What do you mean?" Haseul asked "All I said is true" she said.

I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes at her, clearly embarrassed at her compliment "Okay"

Haseul turned my whole body around to face her and kissed me. She continuously kissed me after each word "You *kiss* are *kiss* always *kiss* gorgeous *kiss*"

I covered my face with my hands because of all the sudden affection she was giving me. Haseul pried my hands off my face and giggled when she saw my red face.

"Cute" she whispered before pulling me into a kiss. I expected it to be a quick peck but instead of pulling away immediately, she deepened the kiss.

Her tongue prodded my lips, asking for an entrance. I immediately opened my mouth, granting her the access.

Our tongues meet in a frenzy. I lightly moaned against her as her tongue passed mine and explored my mouth. Haseul held me tightly against her protectively.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and melted into the kiss. When air become a problem, I lightly pulled away.

We were both breathing heavily. Haseul gave me a goofy grin and moved in to kiss me again when I held up up my hand "Nah uh"

A pout was on her bruised lips "Why~?" She cutely asked "I'm really tired today Seul-ah" I said, giving her a soft smile.

Haseul cocked her eyebrow "I don't mind doing all the work" she said smirking. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit her "I'm serious, I actually came in here to sleep but then I found the framed photos of us from high school. My shoulders are sore-"

I lightly gasped as Haseul's hand rested on my shoulders as she gently rubbed them. Her fingers felt like heaven. My body immediately relaxed as Haseul continued her ministrations.

A hum of approval escaped my lips as Haseul pressed a bit more harder as she rubbed my right shoulder. My eyes dropped as I tried my best to stay awake.

I felt a kiss on my pulse point and Haseul whispered in my ear "Go to sleep love" she said.

I didn't even fight this time. My eyes closed as I immediately entered dreamland. Haseul continuing to massage me even after I fell asleep.


AAÀAAAÆAAAÂHHHHHH I'm sorry for not updating for 2 days since I was having wifi problems anyways hoped you liked it, don't forget to vote, stay safe. 💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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