2Jin | Prank

326 30 2

Members: Jeon Heejin × Kim Hyunjin
Genre: Angst - Fluff
Warning/s: None, aaahhhh I'm so sorry for not updating much I forgot abt this book (╥﹏╥)

Third Person POV

"Hey!" Hyunjin said gleefully, giving Heejin the biggest brightest smile as she walked through the door. "I'm off early which means we have the rest of the day to spend together!".

Hyunjin thought Heejin would jump up and embrace Hyunjin in her arms or she'd see Heejin's eyes light up the way they usually do when she gets off early.

But Heejin sat on the sofa, hands on her lap while fidgeting with her fingers awkwardly." H-Hyunjin-ah, we need to talk".

"Oh, boy. That doesn't sound good". Hyunjin kicked off her shoes and put her things down before falling on the sofa beside Heejin.

Hyunjin looked into Heejin's eyes and the look of saddness they held made her nervous. "Okay" she chucked nervously.

"Why do I feel like you're gonna tell me we should break up or something?".

Hyunjin was only trying to crack a joke to ease her nerves, but the way Heejin bit her lip and looked down at her hands made it all sink in.

"Y-you're not serious, right?"

"I just don't feel like things are working out" Heejin said. "Working out?" Hyunjin asked, voice growing louder. "What on earth are you talking about? We were just talking about you moving in the other day! If you felt like things weren't working out then why did you jump on board with that idea?!" She said.

Heejin just sighed and shook her head. "Tell me why" Hyunjin said "Hyun, I just need some time away" Heejin said, stood up and went to the other side of the room.

Hyunjin's vision began to blur from the tears welling up in her eyes seeing Heejin drag her suitcases behind her.

"You can't go!" Hyunjin whimpered and ran to Heejin. Hyunjin threw her arms around Heejin so tightly, so suddenly that the handle just fell of Heejin's hand and the suitcase fell on the floor.

"There's no way I'm letting you go. You're everything in the world to me Heejin-ah. I can't lose you!" Hyunjin took in a shaky breath and pulled away from the hug to look at Heejin with teary eyes.

"Tell me what needs to be done. Tell me what I need to do to make you stay. I'll do it, I'll do anything. Just... Don't leave me"

Hyunjin's bottom lip was trembling, much like her hands were when Heejin reached out to hold them in hers.

"Oh, Hyun...."

Heejin drop her hands and threw her arms around Hyunjin. Heejin started to feel close to tears herself. Knowing Hyunjin was torn apart because Heejin was to much to bear.

"Hyunjin-ah, I'm not leaving you, not now. Not ever"

"But... " Hyunjin whispered, cheeks falling on Heejin's shoulder. "Your bags are packed..".

"They're empty! It's just a prank!"

"A prank?" Hyunjin pulled away quickly, anger burning in her eyes. "Are you serious?"

"In my defense, it wasn't my idea"

"Like that makes it any better?" Hyunjin folded her arms over her chest, scoffing and turning around to walk up into the room upstairs.

But Heejin put her arms around Hyunjin and hugged her from behind, refusing to let go. Heejin started to tickle her sides.

"Don't!" Hyunjin whined, trying to hide the laughter starting to escape from her lips. "I'm very mad at you! Leave me alone!" Hyunjin pouted as Heejin turned her around and she looped her arms around Hyunjin's neck. "You hurt my feelings"

"Hyunjin-ah, I'm sorry" Heejin whispered and buried her face in Hyunjin's neck to pepper kisses across her skin. "That was not funny of me to do. I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again".

"Better not" Hyunjin spoke and started to tickle Heejin's sides,making her laugh. "I love you so much. Please don't ever scare me like that ever again" Hyunjin spoke softly as she eyes locked with Heejin's.

"I don't ever want you to leave" Hyunjin said "Just the thought of you leaving me one day, scares me"

"Never" Heejin assured her and cupped her cheeks. "I love you so much to ever do such a thing. You're my whole world. Nothing will ever change that".

Hyunjin nodded slowly, leaning in to steal a few kisses from Heejin's lips before pulling away and dropping her head to Heejin's shoulder. Hyunjin held on to her tightly, refusing to let go.


More chapters to come in a few minutes hehe enjoy! Oh and don't forget to vote, stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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