2Jin | Shy

358 24 1

Members: Jeon Heejin × Kim Hyunjin
Genre: Fluff..?
Warning/s: None, aaahhhh sorry for not updating for the past 3 days I got busy (*cough cough* lazy *cough*)

Third Person POV

It was a nice thursday afternoon and Heejin was at a local Starbucks, drinking her favourite drink while listening to some music and working on her homeworks.

Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she had a lazy cute outfit on. Heejin's afternoon had been extremely productive and she had finnished almost all her work.

As Heejin finnished on her last math problem, she looked up from her work only to see Kim Hyunjin, her crush, in line ordering her drink.

Hyunjin had a cute beanie on and as usual she dressed as perfectly as ever , Heejin's eyes suddenly met Hyunjin's, making her blush and quickly looked down back at her works.

Heejin tried to go back to her works but she felt eyes watching her. Heejin looks up only to see Hyunjin staring at her. Only to have Hyunjin blush and look down.

Her name was called by the barista, Hyunjin went up to the counter and grabbed her drink as she payed for it and rushed out of there, like she didn't want to be there, and was on a hurry.

Heejin looked at Hyunjin as she rushed out of the door, and then went back to her homeworks and dang was there a lot more she need to finish. Heejin sighed as she  went back to her works.

*Time Skip to a few hours later: by some cute 2Jin moments *

Heejin was now at home and all of her homeworks was done. She sat down on the couch before finding something interesting to watch on Netflix, she checked her twitter.

Heejin scrolled through her feed, when she saw a post from Hyunjin's twitter account. It said


I wish I talked to her. She was looking very beautiful as she always do. I wish I had enough courage to walk up to her and at least said "Hi" or something. Maybe next time then :(

8:35 pm - 04/28/22-

💌 54 🔃 76 ♥️ 859

"Was she talking about me?" Heejin thought as her stomach erupted with butterflies. No it can't be....right? Hyunjin probably saw another girl when she went out.

Thoughts flooded Heejin's head, as she wondered who her crush was talking about. All that until Heejin then got a notification on her phone.

2 New messages from Unknown.


- Hey Heejin-ah!
- I hope you don't find this creepy or anything, but this is Hyunjin

Heejin changed Unknown's name to Hyun💛🍞

Oh Hyunjin-ah hii-

- I got your number from one of your friends, Jinsoul sunbae
- I saw you today, but I was too nervous to talk to you


Aww, why would you be nervous? -

- Because I find you really pretty, and I was a bit shy

Aww -
I'm not that pretty tho -
stop joking -

- But I'm not joking
- Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomorrow?
- We could get to know each other :)

Sure! -
Just text me the address -

- I can just pick you up at your house you know
- But I don't know where you live
- So anyways here's the address *****

Heejin smiled widely as she read her messages. She felt your stomach filled with butterflies as, she thought about her and Hyunjin hanging out tomorrow.


Yeah... That was short, coz that's all I could think of right now. I'll try to make the chapters longer next time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter tho. Don't forget to vote, stay safe💜

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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