YeoWon | I Love You Too

160 13 1

Member: Im Yeojin × Park Chaewon
Genre: Fluff and Poetry? Some words don't rhyme so idk
Warning/s: None, idk what to write at this point someone request something plz

Gowon's POV

I widely smiled as I wrote a letter thinking of girlfriend. Im Yeojin, wondering why I'm writing a letter? There's no special occasion, I just wanna take my time to let my baby know how much I love and adore her so here I am writing her a letter.

I know I'm not really a poetic or writer type of person but I wanna atleast try,ya know? How hard can it be.

To my one and only love, Yeojinie<3

I remember being so scared to be in another relationship. After the last, it was like it couldn't be healed.
But you came in my life, Telling me how much you loved me , how much you cared for me, you actually made my heart sealed.

Whenever times get hard, you're always there.
You tell me sweet things and this is how I know you care.

We forgive each other for almost everything we do.
Gosh, it's like I'm speaking my wedding dues, but everything I'm saying is absolutely, positively true.

The first week we actually talked, I just had a feeling this was the one. I jumped bounced and screamed with glee, I finally had a friend to talk to me!

But now we are bigger than friends, bigger than crushes, bigger than soulmates.
What we have is something that most don't have, what we have is something new.
What we have is something that most people would want, what we have is something that includes me and you.

Now thinking about it this chapter isn't about Gowon and Yeojin, this chapter is about me and you-gosh what a shame.

I'm entirely lovesick for you, look what you got me to do!
Writing chapters, writing songs, finding beats, finding rhythms-

-but I love it, yes I really do. I love your size and shape and face and eyes too.
I love your smile and your voice and your hair, I love your scent even tho I never smelt in the air.

I love your accent and the way that you speak, I love your imperfections and perfections It's unique.

What we have is something real, what we have is something true. How do I say this without sounding like I'm bragging? I'll just say it. I love you too. Im Yeojin

- Your Gowonie


Might be bad I know:( I'm not rlly the poetic type of person but I like reading poems hehe:> anyways I'll update again tomorrow see y'all:] don't forget to vote, stay safe

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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