2Jin | Asleep

403 28 0

Members: Jeon Heejin × Kim Hyunjin
Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: None hehe:3

Third Person POV

The house was oddly quiet when Hyunjin came inside. Though the sun was hidden behind the clouds.

It was only because the rain was still coming down like it's been the whole day and it's still only early evening now, making Hyunjin worry a little on how quiet everything was.

Usually when Heejin's home and when Hyunjin comes home, she's sat on the couch with her favorite show or a movie Heejin's been wanting to see on and a cozy throw blanket over her lap.

But Heejin wasn't there today and the remote was in the same place it was when Hyunjin left this morning for a photo shoot with her friends.

Hyunjin climbed the stairs quickly and went down the hall. She froze on her tracks for a split second when she heard something familiar.

A voice that she recognised from Heejin's favourite show, since the two of them watch it together quite often.

It was coming from their shared bedroom and when Hyunjin stood in the doorway a rush of relief washed over her.

Heejin looked so cute, laying in bed with the remote on her hand, she was fast asleep with her lips parted slightly as her chest steadily rose and fell as she was breathing.

Holding back the bright smile on her face was impossible when Heejin opened her eyes and met Hyunjin's "You're home" she said, stretching her legs out as she let out a cute yawn.

"Yes, I'm home sleepyhead" Hyunjin giggled as she brushed her fingers through Heejin's hair, careful not to hurt her when she encountered a tangle here and there.

"You must be really tired if you're sleeping this early" she said "A little" Heejin replied, shrugging "Why? Were you gonna leave? You just got home" Heejin asked her.

"I was going to let you sleep more. I didn't wanna disturb your sleep" Hyunjin whispered softly, a tiny smile tugging at her lips when she saw a lazy one pulling at Heejin's.

"No lay with me, let's cuddle" Heejin let go of Hyunjin's wrist and patted her side of the bed "Well, okay then, you know I can't resist spending time with you" she said.

Hyunjin giggled when she climbed under the covers with Heejin and she was throwing her arms at Hyunjin, immediately resting her head on Hyunjin's chest with a precious smile on her face.

"Much better" Heejin mumbled. Hyunjin felt her heart beat a little bit faster when Heejin said that and she was sure Heejin could tell with her ears pressed against Hyunjin's chest.

Hyunjin noticed that her eyes was closed so she let her head  fall onto one of the pillows while her arms went around Heejin  to hold her close to her embrace.

"Sleep tight" Hyunjin whispered softly as she stared down at Heejin's small figure, watching her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks as she drifted off to sleep onec again and so did Hyunjin.


Hey lol
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-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)💗

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