2Jin | B*tches Broken Hearts

290 19 5

Members: Jeon Heejin × Kim Hyunjin
ft. Shin Ryujin from ITZY
Genre: Angst? yeah low-key angst
Warning/s: none, just some swearing, bet y'all didn't expect me to update so soon huh😏🤙
(Inspired by Billie Eilish's song 'b*tches broken hearts') enjoy<33

Heejin's POV

I groan in frustration, rolling on my bed "argh this is so boring I wanna go out" I said to myself, pouting, bored, there's usually a lot for me to do especially on saturdays but now I don't have anything to do and I'm so bored.

Oh I know...I'll just call my girlfriend. I took my phone from the nightstand and dialed her number "Ryu<3" after a few seconds of ringing, she finally answered.

About time, "Hey babe what's up?" I hear her say "I'm bored" I say frowning knowing she won't see my face anyways. "Aww my baby is bored but uhm I wish I could be there with you right now but I'm kind of busy with paperworks, hope you understand" she said "owhh..it's okay babe, I'll just ask Jiwoo to hang out with me" I said.

"Okay then, have fun baby, I'll call you once I'm done, wait for me home alright? Iloveyou" she said, I smiled a bit "iloveyoutoo take care" I responded"you too baby" I heard her say as she ended the call. Now to call Jiwoo if she's free.

"Jiwoo🐧" dialing.. after a minute or so, she picked up. "Oh Heejin-ah you called" I heard her say "yeah..I'm so bored.. wanna hang out?" I asked.

"Sure! Oh and great timing there's this new pub I saw yesterday maybe we could go there?" she suggested? "Pub? unnie it's 6pm I don't feel like drinking"

"C'mon I heard that there's a special guest performing today too we can't miss that out" she continued "but-" I tried to cut her off "if you don't want to then you can stay home and continue being bored-" I cut her off "wait no- alright alright I'll go get changed" I said.

"Good I'll go there in an hour to pick you up" Jiwoo said as she hung up the phone. After 30 minutes I finished getting ready I'll just wait for Jiwoo.

-At The Pub-

"Woah this is actually nice" I muttered "told you so" Jiwoo said smirking "yah stop smirking" I said, she just giggled, we took our seats and ordered a few drinks and appetizers.

"Hey I heard that the performer is a really good singer, people say she has this really nice voice that kind of lures you when she sings I'm really looking forward to that" Jiwoo told me.

I just looked at her, not really that interested, but we'll atleast I'm not bored in the house anymore.

"Ladies and Gentlemen it's the time you all have been waiting for, our special guest performer and singer, Kim Hyunjin! Please give her a round of applause" the host said as the girl went to stage.

I didn't really care at first but then I looked at her and realized...holy sh*t.. it's.. it's Hyunjin...my..ex. I looked at Jiwoo, wided eyed, did she know? No..me and Hyunjin's relationship was a secret before..no one knew.

Okay Heejin calm down it's been two years she probably won't even recognize you, just don't be too obvious, I thought to myself as I sighed and drank my beer.

Hyunjin's POV

I stepped on the stage, low-key nervous eventho I did this tons of times already, I sighed, you can do this Hyun, there's not even much people, I thought to myself.

I scanned through the crowd just to see...her? No way...it's been 2 years.. is that really her? aish let's just get this over with, I'm probably just imagining things.

On second thought...if it's really her I'll just sing a different song, a song I wrote especially for her.. I took a deep breath and smiled to the crowd.

"You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

What is it you want?
You can lie but I know that you're not fine
Every time you talk
It's all 'bout me, but you swear I'm not on your mind

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

Everybody knows
You and I are su*cide and stolen art
Pretty mama sews
Stitches into all your b*tches' broken hearts

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh, what a shame I'm not there

Somebody new is gonna comfort you
Like you want me to
Somebody new is gonna comfort me
Like you never do

Every now and then, it hits me
That I'm the one that got away
But I guess bein' lonely fits me
And you were made for begging, stay"

As the song finished I stood up and bowed to the crowd clapping, stealing a glance at her, looking at me wide eyed. I smirked and walked out of the stage.

Heejin's POV

"W-woah..." I muttered as Jiwoo giggled at me "told you she was good" she said patting my back, I snap back out of trance and looked at her.

"yeah..uhm well I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" I said, not letting her say another word I ran to where Hyunjin left, why am I even looking for her..?why do I feel drawn..

I shook off my thoughts as I tried to look for her. I have to find her..I need to talk to her.. that's all what matters.

Oh😏 another cliffhanger aye👁️🫦👁️ wanna know what happens next? Should I make a part two? Anyways thanks for reading, don't forget to vote byeee

-Xi (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤️

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