Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jenny, Sam and Dean were back in the library, rummaging through everything they could on Jacob Karns

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Jenny, Sam and Dean were back in the library, rummaging through everything they could on Jacob Karns. So far, everything they found came to a dead end, which only irritated Jenny more.

"Here's something, I think. Log book, Iowa State Penitentiary. Karns, Jacob. Personal affects: disposition thereof." Dean handed Jenny part of the record as he read through his part. Sam was reading his own record.

"Does it say anything on the hook?" Jenny asked, kicking her feet up into the desk in front of her as she opened a the record.

"Yeah, maybe. Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the prisoner's house of worship, St. Barnabas Church." Dean read, Sam

"Isn't that where Lori's father preaches" Dean nodded in confirmation. "Where Lori lives?"

"Well that explains why the Hook Man has been haunting reverends and reverends' daughters for the past 200 years."

"Yeah, but if the hook were at the church or Lori's house, don't you think someone might've seen it? I mean, a bloodstained... silver-handled hook?" Sam frowned as Jenny shrugged, flipping through more records. The three fell silent as they went deeper into their research.

After another hour or so, they were still searching when Jenny sat up, clearing her throat to get the two's attention.

"It says here the hook was melted down." She started, flipping the records to face Sam and Dean. "St. Barnabas was donated a silver hook in 1862... and they melted it down into something else." Jenny gave them a pained smile, the Winchester brothers dropping their heads in disappointment.

"Well, if the Hook Man is connected to Lori... Then maybe she has it?" Jenny suggested as Sam and Dean shrugged.

"It's possible." The group started packing the research away, getting ready to leave.


The trio had rolled up to St. Barnabas church

"Look, we can't take any chances. Anything silver goes in the fire." Dean stood up as Jenny did.

"Lori is still at the hospital. We'll have to break in." Jenny looked between the two boys.

"Alright. Take your pick." Dean gestured to his brother, who shrugged.

"I'll take the house." Sam pointed

"Then I guess Dean and I will check out the church." The three hunters got out, Jenny walking to the trunk and pulling out three bags, handing the brothers their own.

"Everything silver you can see." She rephrased as the two nodded, slamming the trunk shut. Jenny tossed her bag over her shoulder, walking with Dean to the church.

"Hey." Dean and Sam turned to face one another, Jenny frowning in confusion as Dean pointed at his brother. "Stay out of her underwear drawer." Jenny snickered as she grabbed Dean, the two walking into the church.

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