Chapter Thirty-One

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Jenny stood behind Sam as he unlocked the back door of the asylum, Dean turning on a camera before handing it to her and pulled out an EMF reader

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Jenny stood behind Sam as he unlocked the back door of the asylum, Dean turning on a camera before handing it to her and pulled out an EMF reader.

"So... Are we making a YouTube channel? I think if we start when this YouTube thing is new that we'd get some traction." Jenny joked as Sam and Dean paused, slowly turning to her as she was aiming the camera at Sam. She looked up from the screen, smiling. "What?"

The two ignored her, Sam pushing the door open. "I'm just sayin', it would be a good thing if people knew ghosts and monsters were real."

"Sure. Or they'll think we are psychotic and send us to a place like this." Dean commented as she nudged him, he gave her a look before entering behind his brother. Dean turned on the EMF, which immediately started buzzing.

"This place is orbing like crazy." Sam mumbled as he waved a flashlight around.

"Probably a whole bunch of spirits having an invisible disco party." Jenny joked as she spun around, staring at the camera screen.

"And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting..."

"We gotta find 'em and burn 'em." Dean interrupted his brother, turning back to Jenny. "Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit... is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer." She frowned at him and scoffed, looking back down at the camera.

"I think I can handle myself." Jenny hummed. The three continued on in silence.

Dean had walked off, leaving Jenny and Sam together as the two paces through the asylum. The woman's eyes were still on the camera, using it as her guide.

After a few minutes, Jenny suddenly threw her arm in front of Sam, looking up quickly. "Dean!" She yelled, hearing the thundering footsteps as Jenny and Sam stared at a white haired woman. Her eyes bloody and stood a few paces from them.

"Dean! Shotgun!" Sam yelled as they turned to see Dean rummaging quickly through his bag, pulling out his gun.

"Get down!" Jenny and Sam threw themselves to the floor, Sam's hand covering Jenny's head in case anything backfired and hit them. The long bang of the shotgun echoed in the hallway, the ghost i. front of them disintegrating from the salt pellets.

Jenny gasped softly as she looked up and around, her and Sam frowning in confusion. "That was weird." Sam spoke as the two stood up, Dean dropping the gun.

"Yeah. You're telling me." He scoffed a laugh, Sam shook his head.

"No, Dean, I mean it was weird that she didn't attack us."

"Looked pretty aggro from where I was standing."

"She didn't hurt me. Or Jenny. She didn't even try! So if she didn't wanna hurt us then what did she want?"

"A box of chocolates?" Jenny joked as the two boys frowned at her. "What? I'm just saying we're getting close to Valentine's day. Wouldn't hurt for some caramel chocolates." The three paused at the sound of a clang. Dean raised his gun again towards the door, Jenny raising the camera up.

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