Chapter 1

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F/S- Favourite snack:D

~timeskip 1 month after y/n's arrival in her new school~

Third person pov

"Alright everyone, please pay attention while I explain what your homework assignment for the weekend is!" Rengoku-sensei, the history teacher of y/n's class exclaimed with his usual loud and enthusiastic tone, " For this weekend, you are assigned to do a presentation with your table mate about the upcoming chapter about Demons. Please take this seriously as it would affect your mid-year exam grades!"

The bell rang immediately after Rengoku-sensei assigned them their weekend homework, signaling the start of lunch as students immediately rushed out of the classrooms, excited to meet their friends and have a break from studying.

"Um, Muichiro? Do you want to meet me at the library later after school?" y/n asked while stuffing her books into her bag.

"Why do we need to go to the library?"

"For the presentation! It's a group project, we should get it done and over with as soon as possible so that we don't have to worry about it later! Did you not pay attention in class?"

y/n knew that nobody in this class, including Muichiro, would do the project. But y/n, ever the perfectionist, would not settle for anything other than perfect scores in every subject, took this seriously and wants the boy to help contribute to the research too.

"Do demons even exist?" Muichiro snickered.

"Well, the only way to find out is through research! Right?" Y/n tried to be convincing.

"Fine," Muichiro gave in, "but you have to make me simmered radish with sweet miso for the rest of the week."
Y/n nodded happily, accepting Muichiro's terms and heaved a sigh of relief.

~time skip to the end of the day~

After waving goodbye to her group of friends, y/n made her way to the library. Upon reaching the library, she noticed that Muichiro was already waiting there.

"Muichiro! Wasn't expecting you to be on time!" Y/n happily skipped over to her tablemate, genuinely surprised that he wasn't late.

"I had nothing to do, anyways this is for you." Muichiro handed her small paper bag, avoiding eye contact with a slight tint of red on his cheeks.

"What's this?" Y/n asked while peaking through the bag, revealing a few F/S .
Y/n gasped " Woah! For me? How did you know its m-"
"Some girl made it for me, i don't want it, y-you can have it" Muichiro cut the girl off, the tint on his cheeks turning into a darker shade of red.

Despite feeling defeated and slightly embarrassed, y/n thanked the air-head and suggested they start finding sources for the research in the library.

While searching for a certain book, Muichiro just followed y/n around like a lost puppy.

"Can you help me search for the book instead of just following me around?" Y/n frustratedly asked

"Wait the book is up there!" Y/n pointed at a book with a dusty and dull cover, up on a high shelf. "Can you help me get it Muichiro?"

"Nope, get it yourself since I am not helping you" Muichiro teased with a smirk on his face.

Y/n huffed but didn't bother to argue with the boy. Y/n went on her tiptoes, stretching her entire body. She used her index and middle finger, trying to 'claw/hook' out the book. Fortunately, luck seems to be on her side as the book seems to be coming out, however when the book is halfway out, it starts tilting down towards her. Y/n's 2 fingers could not carry the weight of the book and it started falling directly on her head, barely giving her enough time and could only use her other hand to protect herself.

She waited for the impact of the falling book but it never came. Y/n slowly opened one of her eyes, tilting her head upwards to see why nothing was happening, she saw a hand hovering above her head, catching the book before it hit her. She turned her head sideways to see Muichiro already staring at her, due to the close proximity, y/n felt her face starting to heat up. Embarrassed, she snatched the book off his hands, muttering a quick "thank you" before turning around and quickly walked away, leaving a confused Muichiro at the aisle.

After borrowing the books they needed, y/n and Muichiro decided to work on the project at his house. Y/n felt jealous of the beautiful scenery that Muichiro gets to enjoy everytime he walks back home, being able to walk across a lake in the sunset while enjoying the soft breeze.

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