Chapter 42

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Senjuro's pov

I sighed, it has been weeks since y/n disappeared, she was like an older sister to me and I really treasured her, seeing her gone aches my heart. Especially, after knowing who exactly caused this to happen to her.


"Y/n-san, please! Tell me what happened!" I begged as I knelt before her.

"Senjuro! I-" she hesitated and chewed on her lower lip.


She started sobbing, her eyes puffy and red, it's like this secret she is hiding is slowly burning her from the inside out, it is hurting her.

"Y/n-san, I'm trying to understand you, please! Help me help you!"

"I-It's Shuji! I-I don't know what happened! I made a monster! I made a monster!"

I clenched my fist tightly. When she's gone, that traitor has been living in her estate, all cocky and proud as though he was a pillar.

I huffed as I kicked the pebble on the ground across the lake, the pebble skipped pass the surface of the water, creating ripples upon every touch.

"I will kill that traitor for you, y/n-san. I will avenge you." I picked up another pebble and prepared to throw it far.

"I swe-!" i swung, but my arms were restricted by a strong grip on my wrist.

I tilted my body towards him.

My heart skipped a beat, It was Muichiro Tokito, at this point, I don't know what his relationship with y/n is, friend? Boyfriend? Crush? He was sneaky and silent, I didn't even notice him nearby.

He stared blankly at me, his teal eyes bore into mine and suddenly I could feel his powerful aura.

"T-tokito-san-" I tried to shake his hand off mine but his iron grip was just that strong.

"Senjuro, tell me. Who is this traitor?" He asked me in a threatening tone, "what did y/n tell you?" (a/n: Just imagine him being a yandere rn HEHE)

He was terrifying, that horrifying glare he gave me send chills down my spine, there is only one way out of this.

"I'm not telling you!" I exclaimed and stomped my foot hard on his, as a result he was 9forced to let go and step back.

Using this opportunity, I ran away as I recalled what y/n-san had told me.

"Don't tell Muichiro anything, it will ruin his relationship with yuki."

No y/n-san, you just wanted him to forget about you.

"He deserves happiness, do not let him know!"

But you deserve happiness too!

"Do not let him know!"

"Senjuro! Tell me everything you know! Now!" Muichiro yelled and kicked me onto the ground. He was dead serious, his razor sharp blade was placed slightly above my neck as he stood before me. I was on the floor, afraid to move a muscle when his legs trapped me on my sides, reducing my chances of escaping.

I held my breath, knowing that I could die at any moment. Every breath i take, i can feel something sharp poking my neck, threatening to slice it off.



"It was shuji! Y/n's Tsuguko!"

I spilled it.

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